



後記: 明報論壇方一匡的觀點值得參考。

11 則留言:

Lo On Nie 說...

I am not as pessimistic as you do, because voters on the HK Island is supposed to be better educated and more sophisticated.

Also, there are still more than 2 months to go before the election. Will the stock market remain bullish for such a lnog time? I doubt.

But I don't understand why AM730 used 'PRC gov't is afraid of me' as the big heading... it's just copying the style from Headline Daily... *sigh*

茶怪 說...

doesn't matter if they are highly educated, sophisticated, or not, the rule of the game has become clear.

also, HK islanders are those pledging more money in the stock market.

and they need the market to pay tax in order to reduce their own tax burden.

匿名 說...

凱哥你真係俾面。Thank you!

匿名 說...


匿名 說...


xiao zhu 說...

呢場 show 應該都會幾好睇。

Unknown 說...

I think Mrs. Chan will win. From voters, everyone want '發財立品' and have '志氣', and Mrs. Chan can represent both '品' and '志氣'. From personal, everyone is selfish including Mrs. Chan. She comes out because she want to reach higher. So, her political mind will tend to like Mr. Donald Tsang. From PRC Government, every HK people is well educated and handleable. In fact, who is the winner, PRC Government doesn't matter.

匿名 說...

有冇人可以話我知"郭亞女事件"的正反兩面,我睇左wikipedia,得正面,說陳太果斷。然後search yahoo,得大量複製wikipedia的文章,陳太果斷重複50次,都係得正面。

當時傳媒評擊陳太的決定,為什麼? 你有沒有當時評擊陳太的原文? 請提供茶怪參考。


Unknown 說...

I am not saying Mrs. Chan is 有'品' and '志氣'. But compare with Yip Lau, most of the voters think Mrs. Chan can represent '品' and '志氣' rather than just follow the instruction from PRC Government. Besides, only the voters want '發財立品' and have '志氣' not Mrs. Chan herself.

匿名 說...

thank you for leaving me comment again, Cheung. i misread your first comment.

i just wonder if i get lost in direction in a desert and come across Mrs. Chan and Yip Lau, one after another. You ask them for direction. Mrs. Chan points to east and Yip Lau points to west. Which way will you go?

Does impression rule the game of election? Or shall i, trying to be a responsible voter, vote according to assessment of their performance record? i don't have an answer.

Unknown 說...

I don't think voters will use their time to do a detail report to study their past performance or they have such a good memory to memorize their past performance. In fact, the atmosphere right now is conclusive. Mrs. Chan represent right and Yip Lau represent left. Besides, if voters are always such rational, no one will go to vote as both of them have bad history. One more point, if people have good memory, no one will buy stock now if they can remember 87 and 97.