
Mr. Right is hard to find, why?

It is so hard for a women to find a good man to marry, say many people, including those hosting radio shows, dining in restaurants and sighing in Internet. Many single women, at their late 20's and early 30's, have gloomy hopes for marriage. There are a lot of reasons for being single, some personal and others social. One general argument is that there are fewer men than women living in Hong Kong, and that inevitably would leave some women behind, unmarried. The dismal logic follows that women now have to compete more desperately for men's love, or they will end up being single. No, i don't think so. The whole argument is wrong.

The so-called "men-and-women imbalance" exists but it is irrelevant.

2006 Population By-census offers statistics that shed new lights on this subject.

Women exceeded men by 320,000. That is a shocking number, meaning that for every 100 women, there are only 91 men -- leaving behind nine women. However, a closer look into the statistics shows those women "in excess" don't belong to the "battlefield". Those women are mostly widows and married women.

There are many widows due to the fact that women live longer than men. Probably most of these widows are elderly. Widows exceeded widowers by 240,000 in 2006. The gap is widening, as the general population gets older.

Married women exceeded married men by 34,000 last year. That's probably because many men are now working in the mainland as Hong Kong businesses, mainly manufacturing, have moved across the border.

Out of the 320,000-wide gap between men and women, 270,000 were widows and married women. Taking this number out of the balance, the number of men will rise to 97 for every 100 women -- the gap is much closer. (The gap still contains a lot of divorced and separated women in excess of corresponding men. Of course, divorced and separated women are available for marriage. But if we further narrow our scope to single people only, the balance will close to even. For every 100 single women, there were 99 single men.)

If there are almost as many young men as young women available for marriage, what causes the pain for finding Mr. Right?

Ironically, for men, find a good wife seems to be just as challenging. For every 100 men, there were 34 bachelors. For every 100 women, only 31 were never married. Finding a right spouse is hard for both men and women. And it seems harder today than yesterday, if we look at the raw data only.

In 1996, for every 100 women aged at 40-44, only nine were never married. In 2006, the number went up to 17. For men aged at the same range, that was 10 in 1996, and 18 last year. Is finding a good spouse really harder than before? Many people think so. But i doubt that.

The By-census report shows some interesting insights -- the sizes of households are getting smaller. In 1996, 33 people formed 10 households. Last year, only 30 people made 10 households. Apartment flats are now less crowded.

i believe that people have the choice not to get married. The choice is less likely available in the past.

Pressure from parents' is weakening over decades. i suspect that parents' pressure depend on the living environment. In the past, some twenty years ago, a typical household was crowded, containing six to seven people. Parents' pressure for the siblings to form their own families was strong.

Now, the household is less crowded. The siblings are either few or living separately without getting married. Parents' pressure is weaker. Practically, no matter what causes it, parent's pressure is weaker when parents and children live separately and seldom see each other.

Another pressure is financial. More and more women work. Last year, 480,000 women aged at 25-34 were either working or finding jobs, surpassing 430,000 men. The chances are girlfriends and wives are paying the dining bills. The financial pressure weakened as long as the income is evenly distributed between men and women. If men continue to lose jobs, the pressure to get married will build up again, but then the pressure will shift towards the men's side.

In the past, great pressures were there to urge you marry someone, good or bad. Now the pressure is softer. Finding a good man or woman has never been easy. The good thing today is -- if you can't find anybody good, you will not be forced to hurry and marry someone worse.

Don't worry. Women do not outnumber men. Women are not at a disadvantage. Men have their headache finding good women, too. Men should understand that they are not as rare as they might have thought.
Men and women get older. Median age for Hong Kong men was 41 and women 37. Don't waste time.

Copyright Quam


"Three years, three years and three years!"

無間道風雲(The Departed)令茶怪印象最深的,是導演拍中槍的情景,同原著版無間道有好大差別。無間道的梁朝偉是這樣中槍的: 「焦」一聲,子彈穿入前額,鑽了一個紅色的小孔,頭部稍為震一下,死了,眼睛凝望遠處,好像在沉思,好像想落淚,表情多無奈。畫面停留在他的死樣半分鐘,有哀傷而且大聲的配樂。在之後的續集,黎明和吳震宇的死狀,都是貫徹一樣。

鬼佬版的是這樣的: 「嘭」一聲,中槍者整個人向後翻,同時一泡血霧在他頭上發散,死了,鏡頭約略交代他滿面鮮血,攤屍地上,沒有close-up死樣,沒有配樂。茶怪想,「吓! 咁就死左。」,陪著觀眾兩個多小時出生入死的狄卡比奧,沒有半個臨別秋波。之後「嘭」「嘭」「嘭」,其他角色,包括麥迪文,死法都是一式一樣。







老梁宣佈: 「這個會議又不准普羅市民參與,因應市民的要求,我無法待在這裡,我決定走出去,直接跟市民對話,聽取市民對政府的要求。」說罷,全場嘩然,老梁斯斯然地步出會場,主持不知如何是好,老曾一面通紅,爭著說甚麼「尊重制度」等東西,但沒人注意,所有與會者把目光放在老梁的身影,電視台攝影隊即追著老梁,繼續直播,老梁一步出會場,立即引起民眾的歡呼,老梁對群眾說: 「作為特首候選人,有必要公開辯論,和接受廣大市民的質詢,我現在邀請曾蔭權走出來,和我一樣面對群眾,進行正式的辯論。」



後記: 與友人閒聊,Brian說如果老梁這樣做只會「攪事」,沒有實際作用,例如爭取中央信任其為老曾以外的特首人選,但Brian認為老梁今次參選的策略左搖右擺,是敗筆。茶怪認為,老梁一開始表明他的參選目的是要顯示「小圈子選擇的荒謬性」,既然有了目標,應該貫徹始終。




時常說香港有世界上最自由的市場,奶茶怪想這會否是一個最悲哀的美譽? 我們再沒有進步的空間,倫敦自八十年代開放金融業給外資和將國企私有化,澳門99年回歸後開放賭業,今天兩個地方經濟更上一層樓,中國大陸經濟受惠於自七十年代末的市場開放,是更明顯的例子。回看香港,這一招用不著,因為我們市場已是最自由的了,自由貿易,外資自由投資,幾乎沒有國企,外商要來的,已來了,不來的,再沒有甚麼辦法誘它來。

從以上的邏輯,地產業是最有「前途」的,地產業是封閉的,地產商長期維持豐厚利潤,每次參與土地競投的都是那幾個本地地產商,如果各地產商互相競爭,競價到最後一口,地價理應只有足以補償風險的微利,而不至於地產商長期維持約二至三成的利潤。從表面看,競爭未至於十分激烈,未能達到官地以最高市場價出售的效果。根據搏奕論,即使是一個「互相殘殺」的遊戲,遊戲無止境的重複,參與者就會「點到即止」,這對各方有利。但究竟地產市場制度上有甚麼可以改善之處,去促進競爭? 茶怪沒有答案。


The Year of Lazy Pig

Pig is lazy. It sleeps and eats all day all over the place. It is sloppy, dirty and ugly -- outright unproductive, except for the value of its flesh. i miss the Year of Dog as it is winding down.

Dog is lovely. It is hardworking, detective, loyal, helpful, friendly, yet entertaining. Dog takes the jobs of security guard, foreman, first-aider, custom officer and hunters, while in most cases, people keep dog as pet and have a lot of fun with it. However, the rotation of Chinese Zodiac calendar fairly allows each of the 12 designated animals to have its own turn.

Chinese follow the tradition to associate the New Year's fortune with the characteristic of the zodiac animal the year belongs to. From Tiger's courage and Horse's energy, to Monkey's cleverness and Roast's high spirit, the distinctive features of most zodiac animals cheer us up. Unfortunately, Pig seems to lack its appeal.

Now, it is this uninteresting animal that is knocking the door. What a Pig Year we are about to see!

Yet, laziness is good for its own sake. At least, it is safe from destruction.

The recent Years of Pig, 1971, 1983 and 1995, shared the same bluntness as the hog. The stock market in 1995 was consolidating after 1994's plunge and would have two years to spare before the 1997 market crash. The Chinese companies making their listing debut in Hong Kong have invited a mania for them in early 1990's until their valuations become too high to sustain themselves. The property sector, the pivot of the Hong Kong economy, also saw its upward trend halt in 1994 when the government tightened its regulations. Therefore, its precedent Dog, 1994, had already taken care of the hopes and distresses before the Pig arrived in 1995. Pig had nothing left to do but healing the wounds.

Let's turn the Zodiac wheel around and get back to 1983. The stock market had already plunged two years earlier in the midst of uncertainty about the sovereign of Hong Kong after 1997. The year of 1983 saw the stock market flat. A year later, the British and Chinese government came to an agreement about the handover, and another wave of bull market emerged.

Further, Pig's visit in 1971 saw the market heating up, but the boom did not kick off until the following year.

In a nutshell, Lazy Pig jumped over the whole decade of 1960's, an era of political unrest. It skipped the worldwide energy crises in mid-1970's. Lazy Pig can't recall how the 1987 markets crashed in the U.S. and Hong Kong. It was absent during the 1997-98 Asian Financial Crises as well. It might be sleeping that Sunday afternoon in July 2003 when half a million of people took the street, demanding democracy.

Lazy Pig hates surprise, positive or negative. Turbulence just can't fit the calm of Lazy Pig. At least, the recent history in Hong Kong confirms the tranquility in Pig Year.

The affection toward stability by Lazy Pig did something good to Hong Kong. In 1983, the dollar peg was established. Before that, the Hong Kong dollar had fluctuated freely and had worryingly depreciated. Although it has drawn criticism in recently year, for its lack of flexibility, the dollar peg has played a crucial role for the stability of the financial system and the confidence of investors ever since.

Besides, some "mysterious forces" surrounding Lazy Pig boosts enterperneurship. Jimmy Lai launched Apply Daily newspaper in 1995 and the media industry would never be the same. i remember that my editor told me to follow Apply Daily as the role model when i joined a well-established newspaper in 1996 -- one year following Apple Daily's birth.

The year that Li Ka-shing founded his property flagship Cheung Kong was Pig -- 1971. That year was proven to be critical for Cheung Kong's development in the 1970's. Cheung Kong floated its shares in the stock exchange just in time to catch the market boom in 1972. The market crashed in 1973. Had it missed the chance, SK Li would have to wait for another boom. Unfortunately, Lee Shaw Kee missed that chance, and he waited for almost ten years before he got his flagship Henderson Land listed.

Those "mysterious forces" also favored the personal career in 1995. Donald Tsang was promoted to become the Financial Secretary, which prepared him for taking the challenges against financial crises three years later -- he did "get the job done", as he would be happy to recall these days.

Although these moves in career and business development seemed to be a natural step forward, as Lazy Pig hates surprises, these moves proved to be important to Hong Kong's media and financial health.

Will 2007 be another peaceful Pig Year? This Zodiac analysis contrasts with the financial point of view that i stated in the previous articles. Will Lazy Pig get burnt and become a delicious barbecued food?

Should Zodiac calendar ever have any impact on the reality, Lazy Pig would place its blessing on the enterperneurship, as it did. That's important because we have long missed that the successful business stories as those of KS Li and Jimmy Lai. Critics say that it has become more and more difficult for Hong Kong people to climb up the social and capital ladder. Has the business environment changed in a way that it no longer favors enterperneurship? i would study this topic and share my views with you later.

Copyright Quam



國家奧運隊在歐洲比賽時打人,內地同胞和香港人反應大有差異,同胞支持國奧隊,在網上留言說甚麼國仇家恨、對方理虧在先,港人就說國奧隊沒有體育精神、未夠專業之類。奶茶怪不想說誰對誰錯,動武當然是不對,但不算甚麼「中國之恥」那麼嚴重,試問足球員打架在哪那個國家沒有? 世界杯決賽施丹都出鐵頭功。撇除道德判斷,奶茶怪從內地同胞與港人普遍的意見分歧,看到一個事實 --內地同胞是國奧隊的球迷,香港人多不是。


香港的球迷快絕種了。賭波要贏錢,要冷靜客觀地分析各球隊,即使你喜歡曼聯,但如果賠率太低,你亦可能買另一方,搏爆冷。這樣,睇波便是兩回事。與朋友閒聊間,知道他們有睇波的,奶茶怪多會問「你捧那隊?」,幾年前,對方大多清楚地、自豪地回答: 「曼聯」「阿仙奴」。現在,答案多是模稜兩可,多是回到說近期哪隊狀態好,久而久之,「你捧那隊?」說起來已感覺好out。

球會不捧,那國家隊、港隊一定要捧了吧? 「我捧巴西」香港人自小就習慣選擇。很多人不承認自己是中國人,甚至不承認自己是香港人,說「中國咁老套」「港人咁自私」。奶茶怪是中國人,是香港人,是中國人之中的香港人。這不是一個宣言,不是一個道德判斷,不能選擇,而是一個資料。就如「我係男人」「我係女人」一樣。捧港隊,捧國家隊亦別無他選,除非唔睇波。











例如理髮店收$6護髮素費用,是暴利; 去唱K,果盤加Nuts幾十元,更不合理,但大家都清楚是這樣,在幫襯前已「預埋條數」,需求自然調節,所以理髮店和K場不會因此而賺到豐厚利潤。這樣,又回到上一篇的問題: 在這個自由市場下,地產商是甚麼賺取豐厚利潤?



今日林行止專欄講:「香港地產發展商利潤之豐厚,在地價高漲的香港,是世界其他地區的地產商難望其項背的。」牽起了奶茶怪一直的疑問 -- 既然是那麼好景,香港又是一個自由市場,為什麼世界各地的地產商不爭相參與香港地產事業? 如果有充分競爭,本地地產商的豐厚利潤理應消失,而事實又不是這樣,究竟是甚麼阻止外國競爭者加入?

香港地產開埠以來由英國財團支配,70-80年代,本地財團掘起,奪去主導地位,到今日,行業結構早已歸邊,每次土地競投都是幾個大家熟識的「本地薑」舉手。大體上,香港的地產制度是自由的,土地拍賣,是公開競投、價高者得的,建築工程可以外判給承建商,而售樓渠道亦十分暢通,地產代理競爭激烈。如果說「地頭蟲」有無可替代的優勢,那優勢是甚麼呢? 反觀香港地產商在外地,如英國、中國上海,都很吃得開。看來香港地產業比外地和內地的更封閉,為什麼呢?


生肖運呈書琳瑯滿目,到底買哪一本好呢? 每本書的封面都是差不多,算命師傅憑甚麼東西去突出自己? 你會點揀?





這個「搵錢至上」的觀念,今日被視為真理,其實在人類歷史上是新事物。 四十年前的中國,茶餐廳老闆肯定被視為社會共敵,在中國古代商人被視為次等。即使是資本主義西方,以往也是一樣。 十七世紀有位波士頓商人,在貨幣交易上賺取了六便士,被法院裁定他 謀取暴利,罰款二百英鎊。事後,波士頓牧師還在佈道會上說,低買高賣是不應該的,唯利是圖是貪慾罰。奶茶怪想,搏殺搵銀的茶餐廳老闆如果生不逢時,較今日香港的政客,更受誤解。