
A Rat Tale

The coming of the Year of the Rat has reminded me about an old book "Who moved my cheese", which depicts a tale about rats. A pair of rats, A and B, one day found a slice of cheese big enough for them to eat for quite a long time. The next few days, they came back and took their bite. All went fine until one day, for no reason, the cheese just disappeared. Rats A and B reacted differently. Rat A broke down and cried, moaning about his misery. He kept coming back, hoping to see the cheese again, but in vain day after day. Rat B forgot about the moved cheese and go ahead to look for new food somewhere else. In the end, Rat B found another cheese while Rat A remained in his bad patch. Simple a story that it is, the book has sold millions of copies. It makes a worthy point -- don't trap yourself in the past, always look forward. Wish you have a wonderful new year.

4 則留言:

匿名 說...


匿名 說...


匿名 說...

講起"誰搬走我的芝士/乳酪/起司"(whatever u like to call it),不期然令我想起當年向港人推介這本書的阿松。今年是鼠年,而阿松已成為內地憤青界的過街老鼠了。先有盜竊肉偷香盜國寶,後再勾結外國勢力坑了我國資金入股一買即跌的瘋狂的石頭。

匿名 說...
