

假設有三位政治專家,預計美國大選結果,第一位說奧巴馬贏的機會是三成,第二位說五成,第三位說九成九。再假設結果,奧巴馬真的勝出。誰測得最準呢? 你可能會說第三位,但我可以說答案有好多個。可以說,他們全部測對,第一位說三成,可能機會率真的是三成,而奧巴馬好彩。機會率也可能較接近五成或九成九,總之,只要2008年美國大選不會重復進行,奧巴馬贏這個事實,沒有告訴我們任何有關機會率的資料。同樣,如果有人告訴你中六合彩的機會是六千萬分之一,你買了,結果中了頭獎,你要多謝那個人否? 應該無需要,因為他沒有誇大機會率誘你買票,他說的是事實,機會是真的六千萬分之一。你中獎是好彩。事後看來,機會才變成百分百,唔買就笨。究竟銀行職員說迷你債券風險低,算不算誤導呢? 我認為不可能用結果去衡量。

9 則留言:

匿名 說...

你對機會率的解讀是傳統的頻率學派解讀法。(Frequency probability)另一個學派叫做貝葉斯學派。...um... 本 blog 有一篇寫有關的東西。


匿名 說...

chainsaw riot,有趣,不過老實講,你的手袋例子,正說明貝葉斯學派的缺點。那位小姐,聽到個「假」字,就睜大眼,你主觀上認為這個資訊增加了「她的袋是假的機會」。但我又可以主觀地認為,她的反應顯示她付的真金白錢買來的真貨,竟然看似假貨,大為震驚。於是,她的反應令我將「她的袋是假的機會」減低。於是呢種所謂主觀的機會率,一點也不科學喎。




Lo On Nie 說...



匿名 說...

今天很多公公婆婆(不是佛利民那樣受過教育的人)會去立法會. 你去向他們解釋這些或然率理論吧, 記得拍下過程放上YOUTUBE, 保證有幾十萬點擊率. 如果他們聽了茶怪賜教, 如夢初醒, 放棄追究, 誠最成功的持續進修例子呢.

匿名 說...


Sun Bin 說...

a couple things

1) mark six.
prob win = 1/60M, you won by luck.
if not by luck, you would have spent 60M x$5 first before you break even.
(in really you only get 25M because of tax, jockey club opex, and charity)

2) you were trying to use the Schroedinger cat analogy but it does not work in this case. there is rigorous maths (conditional probability, etc) saying that since obama 'won', the 3rd guy is more trustworthy.
i.e. one can calculate the 'reliability'(or % he got it right) based on the 3 persons' track record.

3) yes, the bank staff misled you. simply because even he himself does not how much the risk was behind it. he was just playing by the book given to him by the bank manager, who got the same marketing material from lehman.
you are right that results should be dictate right or wrong, it could be luck. but the fact is, he misled you even if you got great return on those lehman "bonds".

Sun Bin 說...

you are right that results alone should NOT dictate right or wrong, it could be luck. but the fact is, he misled you even if you got great return on those lehman "bonds"

Sun Bin 說...

btw, as i understand it, the "bonds" could be worthless even if Lehman is sound and healthy. the "bonds" were backed up by the MBS/derivatives via Lehman, not by Lehman's assets.

匿名 說...

Thanks for your comment, Sin Bun. And thanks for mentioning the Schroedinger cat analogy, which must be very famous. i am just too innocent to have heard about it. Would you please tell me what it is about and how it does relate to my argument? i checked wikipedia, but it was too lengthy...thanks.

thanks for clarifying other points.