


「我不懂說贊成或反對誰,畢竟雙方的命運與我無關。你提到的經濟問題倒提起我興趣,係externality。你說,正生的來臨會為原居民帶來negative externality,原居民有權索償,在經濟學上,這個分析很正路,也是我一直對事件的看法。不過,想一想,究竟這個externality真的是negative的嗎?可不可以是positive呢?住在一班自願改過的年青人附近,會唔會係positive呢?或者negative的程度並非抗議者想象般嚴重呢?答案不由我定,由市場定,看價格來定,那就惡攪,因為要做類似的研究不容易。有趣的地方在哪?以上的討論看來是個經濟學問題,實際上是個道德問題。如果社會 (全個社會,不單只當地居民) 沒有包容正生書院的心,視他們為洪水猛獸,紛紛遷出,由沒有人願意搬入,樓價會暴跌,反映出negative externality原來真的很大。如果有包容心,樓價跌自然有人買入,支持樓價,反映出negative externality原來很小,甚至可以是漲價,positive。經濟學研究人的行為,人的行為包含道德的考慮。經濟學和道德很難分割。」

7 則留言:

Lo On Nie 說...

interesting... I truly wonder if you'd try to analyze everything with economics...

and I am also considering studying Master of Economics... grateful if you could give some advise, haha

茶怪 說...

i won't try to explain everything, let alone trying to explain everything by one tool.

Master of Economics, it depends on your interest and goal. mine is pure mathematics, which is boring and irrelevant, to me.

Lo On Nie 說...

ok you are answering my wonder literally... what if I alter the wordings and say you tend to analyze with economics and this even applies to cases/phoenomenon/items which aren't usually correlated to economics.

I'm not into pure maths, but more about the econ theories and perhaps, macroeconomics. My goal? I'm just a junior mgt now and then, haven't got any concrete ideas yet.

In others words, you may say I'm lost too.

茶怪 說...

maybe i do economics unconsciously.

Econ Master involves a lot of abstract mathematics. If you are not into it, be careful. make sure you get what you want.

匿名 說...

梅窩居民的抗爭手法很不智, 鬧人吸毒仔、吸毒女會引起傳媒和市民反感. 商台和馬前局長已執左佢地一劑.

多口:羅先生, 你是管理層, 為何不讀mba, 而讀經濟, 因為對經濟特有興趣嗎?

t.f. 說...


Lo On Nie 說...



都知master of Econ好多數,但我懷念預科那時讀econ,套用theories或利用簡單的GDP = C + I + G + (X - M) 去分析經濟。當然,必須承認,我還停留在那層次。