
Mickey Mouse's Philosophy

The editorial of today's Hong Kong Economic Journal said US Fed chief Ben Bernanke would have to cut interest rates tonight as if a recession would be the end of the world. i would call such an attitude "Mickey Mouse's Philosophy". A doll that it is, Mickey Mouse always smiles, as if he can never allow himself to feel bad. But what's wrong for feeling bad? It is completely natural and inevitable. It even helps us to set ourselves straight. Like the bad feel, despite its hardship, recession serves that end, after decades of overconsumption. Bernanke, by keeping American smiling for the time being, is to bring them a more pain in the future. The extension of a business cycle could save the presidency of a political party, but it would be done at the expense of all people, including Americans and all others. "It is the economy, stupid!" as the Bill Clinton campaign once cried. What Mr. Bernanke seems to be devoted to, and what the newspaper ironically seems to approve, is merely the timing of a business cycle, not the economy -- people's well-being.

7 則留言:

匿名 說...

聯儲局suppose係要顧全美國經濟全局, 股市只係經濟的其中一個部分(有人認為係最重要一環, 有人不以為然).但股市卻肯定係最visible的, 每日 鋪天蓋地的傳媒報道, 自然會將佢重大化重要化.市民原已關切股市, 近年在cnbc等媒體推波助澖下,股市對好多人黎講已係頭等大事, 甚至股市就等同整個經濟.如此情況下股市出事勢必更為流失選票.在選舉年, 無論阿殊明示、暗示、無示, 一個"識撈"或想"長撈"的聯儲局主席會自然知所應對.如此則落入股市影響政治, 政治又再反過來影響成盤經濟的窠臼當中了.
再回看我們國內, 近年股民人數愈來愈多, 中央在經濟政策上也會否或是否已經落入投mouse忌器中?

匿名 說...

off topic一問:茶兄,我最近呢兩年投資股市真係輸到我福佳, 我呢幾日開始想清倉轉交專業基金經理.我最尊崇的是Q字頭公司的林先生vincent老師.但日前同朋友講開, 佢話佢早前睇雜誌專訪話林生現時好像是主理機構客戶,散戶fund已不由他管理了.但朋友找不回該篇專訪給我看.茶兄可知當中一、二?

匿名 說...

阿信,我唔清楚,應該機構客和散客都係同一個fund,但好似最近機構客多了,不過,你最好問番佢地customer service。

Brian 說...


匿名 說...

just want to tell u i still keep reading ur blog.

always supporting ur work man.

have a happier 2008 with mrs tee.


匿名 說...

brian: 還完再行囉!

leung_dont: thank you for your support. wish you have a wonderful yaer of rat.

匿名 說...

大 家 o甘 話 Mr Tea :)