
Ron Paul

共和黨候選人Ron Paul是2008年美國總統黨選的大冷門,民望遠遠落後於前紐約市市長朱利安尼,但在互聯網上,他的支持度出奇地高,網上籌款更破歷史紀錄,為什麼美國選民對這位1988年大選大敗者如此感興趣?

今期BusinessWeek刊登了CNBC女主播Maria Bartiromo對Paul的專訪,其中可能可以看出端倪。以下轉載了訪問中最後二條問答:

You want to take the troops out of Iraq, but what about Iran? What do we do if other nations turn hostile?

I'd treat them something like what we did with the Soviets. I was called to military duty [as a U.S. Air Force flight surgeon] in the '60s when they were in Cuba, and they had 40,000 nuclear weapons and intercontinental ballistic missiles, and we didn't have to fight them. We didn't have to invade their country. But to deal with terrorism, we can't solve the problem if we don't understand why they [attack us]. And they don't come because we're free and prosperous. They don't go after Switzerland and Sweden and Canada. They come after us because we've occupied their land, and instead of reversing our foreign policy after 9/11, we made it worse by invading two more countries and then threatening a third. Why wouldn't they be angry at us? It would be absolutely bizarre if they weren't. We've been meddling over there for more than 50 years. We overthrew a democratically elected government in Iran in 1953; we were Saddam Hussein's ally and encouraged him to invade Iran. If I was an Iranian, I'd be annoyed myself, you know. So we need to change our policy, and I think we would reduce the danger.

You have vehement new supporters. What's driving the sudden interest in your candidacy?

I think they're sick and tired of what they're getting. They've lost all trust and faith in the government. They believe in the American Dream, and they're getting a nightmare. And they're rallying behind the program I've been working on for 30 years—defending the Constitution, limited government, free markets, sound money, and self-reliance; believing people can take care of themselves better than government can. The nanny state doesn't work, the police state doesn't work, and neither does the warfare. And they know it.

6 則留言:

匿名 說...

陶才子去年已寫過希望美國人慧眼識這個英雄. 他這人的觀察力是挺強的,沒有受人家茶禮的時候.

匿名 說...


匿名 說...

Hay Hoi when do you think Tony will host his X'mas dinner?

匿名 說...

Probably not this year. York, Mr. Measor must be very happy to have you as his student.

匿名 說...

Thanks I wonder if I could be count as his student, though. Anyway it's true that he has led me into the door of value investment and logical analysis.

Anyway thank you for your informatrion and please do keep me updated for any news on that.

匿名 說...

You bet!