
Blog is beautiful

Great economist and political philosopher Friedrich Hayek says: "What is essential to make [intellectual freedom] serve its function as the prime mover of intellectual progress is not that everybody may be able to think or write anything, but that any cause or idea may be argued by somebody."

Replace [intellectual freedom] with [blog
] and you get that blog is beautiful and why it is so. t freak appreciates your comments at this blog.

2 則留言:

socialcoma 說...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on all kinds of different topics. This is really interesting to read something that prompt you to think.

I guess that illustrates what is beautiful about blog (or any web 2.0 products): the ability to interact. Intellectual freedom can be subbed in with social networking, or any other web 2.0 products. What I think will be more interesting is to see what kind of effect these freedom of digital interactions will bring to the whole world.

茶怪 說...

when i told my friend last year i had started a blog, they said wow! i asked them why not they started their own. They said only celebrities had blogs. i think that's most people's view about blogging and why there are so few of us. Hayek said it right about intellectual freedom. i believe a blog is not to boast anything but to let other people challenge my own ideas, from which we all benefit.