

不同電影,無論是數千萬元的大製作,還是幾百萬的小品,無論是好看的還是爛片,放在同一間戲院上映,為什麼票價都是一樣? 熱奶茶和凍奶茶的價格已是不一,其他的商品價格差異較大,為什麼正常的市場自由定價情況在戲院又不適用?

府計劃津貼電影投資,茶怪對此有保留,香港不缺資金。要振興電影業較重要是鼓勵競爭,有競爭才有進步,香港電影業是否缺乏競爭? 從票價上看,是缺乏競爭,市場的力量還未充分發展。 (戲院與戲院之間有價格差異,是反映地點、戲院佈置等因素。但就同一間戲院而言,各套戲是劃一票價的,而且票價長期維持。)


你可能會問,小規模創作已夠慘了,如果要降價促銷,創作人的飯碗怎樣保? 而且,降價等於自貶身價,不是進一步降低叫座力嗎? 茶怪想,小規模創作的電影正是劃一收費的受害者,它們以同一價格,與大卡士大製作競爭,真吃虧。 觀眾不入場,其創作人的飯碗更不保。至於自貶身價的問題,如果沒有人入場,憑何論身價。


2 則留言:

. 說...

i am not offering answers. but i think the answers could be found by looking the international experiecne.

The Janpanse flim industry have had their golden times and declined, so was Taiwan. There must be some reason.

I think, the fundemental factor to surrive of flim industy is the "culture sphere", not the local market.

By subsiding, it may help to creat such a culture sphere. my general idea.

As to the non-differentiated charge, I remember I have seen a theory on this, which made snese to me. but details i forgot. mainly, the non-commerial flims are targeted to a niche market, who are usually the middle class, they care less about the pricing. but if the price is reduced, it could degrade the image and branding of seeing such a movie, discouraging them.

茶怪 說...

liangzi, thank you for your comment.

if the reason for the decline in film industry is that the culture is over, which i cannot tell, there is no point to defy the trend and rescue it. Doing so would only slow the evolution process and hinter the talents from creating new art form.

If tickets for non-commercial firms are set according to the market, why would not the price be anywhere but exactly the same as commercial films?

And low budget films also include a lot of commercial comedies casting pop singers which obviously target audience other than the middle class.

i am not judging the values of any particular kind of films. i just feel that the market is not working there.