石油是網友老麥所謂「投資三寶: 黃金、石油和人民幣」之中,茶怪最看淡的,與黃金一樣,石油作為商品,其價格將受惠於全球貨幣供應擴張而上升,國際政治局勢不穩,亦刺激油價向上,油價再升幾元,破一百美元是不足為奇,問題是可以再升多少,金和油最大的分別是油是有用的,金係古玩、油係電視機,美國這個石油進口大國的經濟增長放緩是對油的一大隱憂,最者,電視機愈貴,愈多新款推出,現在有高清電視,很多人想換掉舊電視。貴油將加速新科技的發明,提煉玉米代替石油、新車更慳油甚至用電力推動,聽起來好像很遙遠,但其實一直在進行中,自七十年代中,已發展國家經濟產出對油的依賴程度已減半。當然,以上論點,當油價在八十元時已存在,油價照升,幾貴至誘使新發明加得夠快? 茶怪唔知,不過對人類的智慧有信心。
中國人民銀行今年加息六次,反映中央防治經濟過熱的決心,食品脤價影響民生,特別值得關注。人民幣利率有七厘半,美國兩年期國庫債券息率只有三厘,人民幣暫時不能自由兌換,投資者不能就息差套利,但中國投資市場逐步開放,人民幣上升動力將會加劇。食物和原料價格急升,扣除食物和共用成本,中國消費物價指數只有1%升幅,顯示有產能過盛跡象,再加上固定資產投資佔國民生產總值四成,消費和出口追不上固定資產,會造成閒置,試想一個城市猛起遊樂場(固定資產)但沒有人去玩。美國經濟前景不明朗,影響中國出口,相信中國會減慢加息步伐去保住內部消費,在貿易赤字持續的情況下,政策選擇不多,唯有加快人民幣升值速度,怕影響出口競爭力? 不會,因為其他出口國的貨幣也在上升,如泰國、印尼和印度,只要中國不走得太前問題不大。
Atlas Shrugged
Ayn Rand是自由主義的倡導者,前美國聯儲局主席格林斯平也是她的學生,其小說Atlas Shrugged,講述社會如何利用仁義道德去壓制有能者的成就,荷里活剛剛開拍其電影版,女主角是Angelina Jolie。小說其中一節,說到一位母親,要求其當鋼材企業家的兒子,聘請一事無成的胞弟,企業家拒絕,說胞弟對公司沒有好處,母親直指他冷血、自私和唯利是圖,不顧兄弟之情,罵道: "That's your cruelty, that's what's mean and selfish about you. If you loved your brother, you'd give him a job he didn't deserve, precisely because he didn't deserve it -- that would be true love and kindness and brotherhood. Else what's love for? If a man deserves a job, there's no virtue in giving it to him. Virtue is the giving of the undeserved."企業家聽罷,嚇呆了,然後說: "Mother, you don't know what you're saying. I'm not able ever to despise you enough to believe that you mean it." Rand認為,人應該為自己的利益發揮自己的所長,就是對社會最大的貢獻,過程中,物質回報是必須的,這樣才令付出和接受者活得有尊嚴。
從來沒有過問好友科士打洋名的由來,想大概是來自一個澳洲啤酒品牌名稱,因為他喜歡飲啤酒。改名要正正經經的,斷不能叫喜力、藍妹吧。上周末他帶同幾位兄弟到拍拖多年的女友美琪家門,鬧著要娶她過門,誰知率性的科士打怎也喊不出一句「我愛您」來。當夜婚宴,他咬緊口中的箱頭筆,在美琪的身上寫上「愛很簡單」四個大字,然後高唱陶"吉吉"的同名情歌,唱著: 「I love you...」,賓客見笑新郎哥的歌喉之餘更佩服他的勇氣,新娘子喜極而泣。Foster在字典上,解作關懷、照顧的意思。
Ron Paul
共和黨候選人Ron Paul是2008年美國總統黨選的大冷門,民望遠遠落後於前紐約市市長朱利安尼,但在互聯網上,他的支持度出奇地高,網上籌款更破歷史紀錄,為什麼美國選民對這位1988年大選大敗者如此感興趣?
今期BusinessWeek刊登了CNBC女主播Maria Bartiromo對Paul的專訪,其中可能可以看出端倪。以下轉載了訪問中最後二條問答:
You want to take the troops out of Iraq, but what about Iran? What do we do if other nations turn hostile?
I'd treat them something like what we did with the Soviets. I was called to military duty [as a U.S. Air Force flight surgeon] in the '60s when they were in Cuba, and they had 40,000 nuclear weapons and intercontinental ballistic missiles, and we didn't have to fight them. We didn't have to invade their country. But to deal with terrorism, we can't solve the problem if we don't understand why they [attack us]. And they don't come because we're free and prosperous. They don't go after Switzerland and Sweden and Canada. They come after us because we've occupied their land, and instead of reversing our foreign policy after 9/11, we made it worse by invading two more countries and then threatening a third. Why wouldn't they be angry at us? It would be absolutely bizarre if they weren't. We've been meddling over there for more than 50 years. We overthrew a democratically elected government in Iran in 1953; we were Saddam Hussein's ally and encouraged him to invade Iran. If I was an Iranian, I'd be annoyed myself, you know. So we need to change our policy, and I think we would reduce the danger.
You have vehement new supporters. What's driving the sudden interest in your candidacy?
I think they're sick and tired of what they're getting. They've lost all trust and faith in the government. They believe in the American Dream, and they're getting a nightmare. And they're rallying behind the program I've been working on for 30 years—defending the Constitution, limited government, free markets, sound money, and self-reliance; believing people can take care of themselves better than government can. The nanny state doesn't work, the police state doesn't work, and neither does the warfare. And they know it.
今期BusinessWeek刊登了CNBC女主播Maria Bartiromo對Paul的專訪,其中可能可以看出端倪。以下轉載了訪問中最後二條問答:
You want to take the troops out of Iraq, but what about Iran? What do we do if other nations turn hostile?
I'd treat them something like what we did with the Soviets. I was called to military duty [as a U.S. Air Force flight surgeon] in the '60s when they were in Cuba, and they had 40,000 nuclear weapons and intercontinental ballistic missiles, and we didn't have to fight them. We didn't have to invade their country. But to deal with terrorism, we can't solve the problem if we don't understand why they [attack us]. And they don't come because we're free and prosperous. They don't go after Switzerland and Sweden and Canada. They come after us because we've occupied their land, and instead of reversing our foreign policy after 9/11, we made it worse by invading two more countries and then threatening a third. Why wouldn't they be angry at us? It would be absolutely bizarre if they weren't. We've been meddling over there for more than 50 years. We overthrew a democratically elected government in Iran in 1953; we were Saddam Hussein's ally and encouraged him to invade Iran. If I was an Iranian, I'd be annoyed myself, you know. So we need to change our policy, and I think we would reduce the danger.
You have vehement new supporters. What's driving the sudden interest in your candidacy?
I think they're sick and tired of what they're getting. They've lost all trust and faith in the government. They believe in the American Dream, and they're getting a nightmare. And they're rallying behind the program I've been working on for 30 years—defending the Constitution, limited government, free markets, sound money, and self-reliance; believing people can take care of themselves better than government can. The nanny state doesn't work, the police state doesn't work, and neither does the warfare. And they know it.
俄羅斯 共產主義 民企 自由市場

有左有右,是指人的步行路線,即使去同一目的地,可以有不同路線,好處是分散人流,這樣可以擴大有利可圖的商業地段,舖位應供增多,租金可減。相反,如果人流高度集中在有限的地段,其他人流稀少的地方做不成生意,而且黃金地段的租金一定貴。解決辦法是廢棄"long blocks",即縮短街道之間的距離。讓人有機會橫街小巷左穿右插。
「有個擲銀仔遊戲,重複地擲銀仔,直至擲到公為止,你贏多少取決於擲銀的次數: 擲第1次便是公,得$2,擲第2次才出現公(第一次是字),得$4,擲第3次才出現公(首兩次都是字),得$8,擲第4次才出現公(首三次都是字),得$16,如此類推,每需擲多一次,金額倍增,次數沒有上限。玩這個遊戲要買入場票,你最多願意出多少錢去買?」 La Mancha的調查欄目提出以上問題,過去一星期收到共20個回應,12人答價值低於$2,六人答$2至$10,其餘二人答$1,000以上。最高和最低答案相差500倍,差異很大。數學家的答案是無限大,計法是這樣的: 票價 = 2*(1/2)+ 4*(1/4)+ 8*(1/8)+ 16*(1/16)+ ... = 1+1+1+1+... 因為遊戲規則是,如果擲不到公,需繼續擲下去,次數不設上限,所以將無限個1加起來,等於無限大。
可能你用心算,有一半機會得$2,如果入場費高於$2,有機會蝕,所以你的答案是$2以下。如果你選$2-$10,大概是希望多付少少去碰運氣。茶怪的計法是這樣的: 拿個銀仔去擲,模擬玩,重複幾盤,然後計平均數,答案是$8。究竟那個答案才是對的? 要視乎情況而定: 如果遊戲重複玩無限多次,數學家的答案是對的。總會有機會贏到一億個億。但是現實世界裡,就是不可能有無限個機會。茶怪好想與選$1000以上的網友對賭,你付$1,000,茶怪做莊,讓茶怪賺多少,作為寫網誌的報酬。$8是答案嗎? 又不是,如果拿入場券炒賣,茶怪恐怕要坐艇,因為大部分人認為入場券只值$2。
可能你用心算,有一半機會得$2,如果入場費高於$2,有機會蝕,所以你的答案是$2以下。如果你選$2-$10,大概是希望多付少少去碰運氣。茶怪的計法是這樣的: 拿個銀仔去擲,模擬玩,重複幾盤,然後計平均數,答案是$8。究竟那個答案才是對的? 要視乎情況而定: 如果遊戲重複玩無限多次,數學家的答案是對的。總會有機會贏到一億個億。但是現實世界裡,就是不可能有無限個機會。茶怪好想與選$1000以上的網友對賭,你付$1,000,茶怪做莊,讓茶怪賺多少,作為寫網誌的報酬。$8是答案嗎? 又不是,如果拿入場券炒賣,茶怪恐怕要坐艇,因為大部分人認為入場券只值$2。

話口未完,時間證明百佳停派膠袋的策略是錯誤的,正如茶怪早前的文章說的,免費膠袋對超市的業務實在太重要,為超市所帶來的好處較成本高,昨晚百佳宣佈恢復派袋,環保組織完全不用失望,因為由此至終,停派行動都與環保無關。如果停派的原因是超市說的,公眾誤解,解決方法當然是加強監控,提高透明度,以釋公眾疑慮,如果是他們所說的,「多一事不如小一事」,當初推出措施的理據何在? 如果你近幾天有路過百佳,就會發現生意明顯較平時淡靜,顯示這不只是公關手法的錯,更是營運策略的錯。企業要節省成本,茶怪想,像玩層層疊積木一樣,遊戲規則是,參與者須不停地從高高的積木架中間,一條又一條地抽出木支,成功的企業可以既取出木支又不不至令高樓缺乏支撐而倒塌,即令產品服務不變,用料卻不斷減少,關鍵不在於大刀闊斧還是循序漸進,而是在於看得清楚每個環節的關係和整個結構,弄不清楚的,就會好像百佳看待膠袋一樣,以為微不足道,其實牽一髮動全身。
四叔的五行選股法,將帶旺整個金融業。股票報價分類不再是以指數,恆生指數成份股、H股等,是用金、木、水、火、土。隨之而來的,當然是金、木、水、火、土指數,同衍生工具。證券行會找風水師父出研究報告,例如BUY Gold, Sell Fire, Hold Water,以至做個model portfolio: Gold 10% underweight, Wood 20% equal weight, Fire 25% overweight, etc.跟住一定係有基金,組合可以好多元化,單一種元素又得(金基金),雙併(火和水基金)、三併(土木水)亦得。CFA 要加一課講。MBA professor要研究五行之間的correlation,究竟金升、火係唔係跟住升? 水係唔係多數跌, etc.以前里昂劉紹文講風水,唔信,蘇民峰講投資,都唔係好信,而家四叔講唔到你唔信!
百佳超市停派膠袋,令茶怪跌眼鏡,在早前的文章已提過,免費膠袋對超市業務太重要,所帶來的好處遠較成本高。百佳的策略是否成功,仍要時間證明。在推廣手法方面上,茶怪感覺麻麻,如果說是為了減省成本,用來提高服務質素,這還說得過去。打正環保旗幟,可以贏得感性的環保組織的支持,但想真點,其實與環保無關。道理好簡單,我買一個膠袋兩毫,買十個都係二元,用廿蚊可以買一百個膠袋,我鍾意點用都得。百佳有沒有規定最多買幾個? 還是將膠袋當作一般貨品看待,你愈買得多愈好? 以前因為百佳承擔膠袋成本,是派也很忍手。相反,假設我顧及環保,不買膠袋,百佳又幹了甚麼去支持環保? 超市會否捐贈幾毫給獨立環保組織? 茶怪沒有聽聞。佢請客,要我埋單? 即使自備購物袋,我寧願去惠康。

財富雜誌專訪Cisco,問為什麼亞洲的創建步伐快速,一位主管說: 「上帝能夠七天內創造世界,原因是那裡沒有固有的基礎。」("The reason God was able to create the world in seven days is because there was no installed base.")很幽默,想真的,這道出了革新之難處,放諸四海皆準。另外一則聖經另類道理是,由科幻小說家Kurt Vonnegut說的 -- 有一個外星人來到地球,閱讀聖經,令他感到詫異,他以為是福音故事教人仁愛的,即使是對地位最低的人,但他發現福音竟然教人: 「殺人之前,請認真確定他是沒有後台的。」("Before you kill somebody, make absolutely sure he isn't well connected.") Vonnegut指的,是有關耶穌釘死於十字架的故事。令茶怪拍案叫絕,這個簡直是警世格言!
天水圍問題不是交通費的問題,香港有很多地方都距離市區很遠; 不是社區設施不足的問題,香港其他地方也沒有甚麼公共設施; 不是社工不足的問題,真正有問題的家庭是不會找社工的; 不是樓房建得太密,香港到處是這樣子。這幾天,社工、福利團體和議員都借天水圍問題向政府討錢,不是要求提高津貼,就是爭撥資源。茶怪想,天水圍問題根本不是天水圍獨有的問題,看看那些家庭慘劇的個案就知道,問題家庭大多是新移民,新移民是受害者,新移民在天水圍的集中度較高,所以天水圍出事率較高。讓茶怪政治不正確地講,是香港的福利太好,國內同胞生活太苦,導致大量不是建基於感情的婚姻,日子久了,便出現問題。補救措施茶怪想不到,長遠來說,政府應該檢討福利政策,是收緊不是放寬。
Cosmos Farm是一家連全球衛星定位系統也探測不到的北海道民宿。茶怪與內子開了大半天車在傍晚時份到達,在大門口處理好鞋子後,老闆娘介紹店內環境,地下主要是食堂、廚房和浴室。食堂有四張餐桌和一個小火爐,食堂的一角是供客人閒息的區間,設有梳化、鋼琴、圖書和棋子,咖啡茶水免費供應,木板階梯通往二樓的六間客房,老闆娘帶著微笑,不時點頭,看著日本人的慊恭有禮,無法想像他們竟然未為二次大戰時所作的暴行道歉,茶怪當然沒開口,畢竟老闆娘大概未見過有香港人是不祟尚日本的。房間內有兩張床,床舖整齊,床中間隔著一個窗,外面是一片田野,遠處有紅黃色的楓葉,太陽已經下山了,景物變得暗淡,有貓頭鷹噢噢地鳴,老闆娘說晚飯在六時半,然後走回廚房,兩口子安頓好也跟著落樓,待在梳化上,茶怪隨手拿起一本風景影集,內子指著問茶怪懂得把雪地景色拍得如此美麗嗎? 那張晚霞又是怎樣拍的? 茶怪答道全都很簡易,就是這樣那樣然後又如何如何。
What's new at La Mancha
讓茶怪介紹左邊的新增功能--"shared items",這是茶怪搜羅不同新聞網站和個人網誌的有趣文章,希望你欣賞,以今日為例,金融時報的專欄作家說他對經濟預測的看法,他認為人無法預測未來,原因是我們連影響未來的變數--the unknown unknowns--也不知曉。這個符合茶怪早前的文章"Fool No One",指出經濟政策偏重某行業的弊端,就是你不能預測未來。茶怪不是只post支持自己論點的文章,立場鮮明的量子今日分析立法會補選,值得細閱。還有華爾街日報專欄說地球溫化不應恐慌,Joe Ko談宿命論,都不容錯過。特別是一篇華爾街日報說環保汽車的文章,茶怪一看:「得!」,是指那架車,一看你就知為何Toyota現有的環保車唔得,有了這架快過Porsche嘅新環保跑車,茶怪相信環保汽車很快便普及。
人說秦始皇統一中國好,統一文字和度量衡,使中國成為大國,不致像歐洲那樣四分五列。茶怪想,四分五列都不算差,歐洲發起工業革命,促進了人類生活。中國具創建而又影響最深遠的思想,茶怪想,是孔子的儒家、老子的道家和孫武的孫子兵法,全部出生於春秋時期,即秦始皇的統一大業之前,中國不是無創意,不過只集中於統一之前。隋唐盛勢的詩詞歌賦固然好,但茶怪有時想,如果李白、杜甫肯用10%的智商去研究科學,哪有甚麼飛機太空船發明不來? 網友高先生對茶怪說: 中國歷代一國獨大,日子過得安穩,令人失去奮鬥心。茶怪想不無道理。連網友量子推崇備至的毛澤東戰略,也是在亂世中出台,時勢造英雄,又可能時局啟發人的思想,但茶怪再想,創意在春秋,有一個好簡單的原因 -- 「機會」。孔子若果生於統一後的中國,即使天才橫溢,即使科舉如何公平,你的機會只得一個,只要京城一個不欣賞你,你就完了。幸好孔子生於四分五列的時代,東家唔打打西家,機會眾多,錯了有機會再來,你至敢試,要試完再試,至有可能產生創意。茶怪不是鼓吹國家分列,暢銷書所言,廿一世紀世界是平的,中國的國際來往較十九世紀的歐洲國家更多,中國面對的,絕非古時單一獨大的模式,茶怪想問: 以秦始皇的由上而下統一化的思維方式,是否最適合?
Fool no one
Hong Kong's calm toward the government's market intervention surprised me. The media celebrated the intervention, not criticized it. Many newspapers recommended readers follow suit -- buy HKEx, as the government had bought it and would probably buy more. Many people just could not resist the idea when a government official revealed that the purchase of HKEx was to prepare an alliance between the stock markets in Shanghai and Hong Kong.
When the stock market hit all-time high, we cared less about the West Kowloon project and democracy movements overseas than they used to. We asked fewer questions for the intervening government than we did in 1998, the last time the government intervened to defend our financial system. Indeed, we should have now asked more.
Last time, i mentioned that a discretionary intervention would cause more problems than a forced one. The government interfered our freedom of pricing, distorting the pricing function of market.
Many people believe that the financial sector is our future. That maintenance of Hong Kong's status of a global financial center is our top priority has become the consensus. If we are to strengthen our position, and if a cooperation with Shanghai is what it takes, the government officials' logics follows, we got to deal with Shanghai in the Shanghai way -- cooperation through government bureaucrats.
i believe this is illogical for three reasons.
First, the forming of any alliance between the Hong Kong and Shanghai exchanges is not necessarily beneficial. The alliance would deter competition between the two exchanges. It is through the rivalry race between each other that the two cities simultaneous improve the efficiency of fundraising and safeguarding of assets.
Second, even if the alliance is beneficial, an arragement among private sector is more appropriate. If Hong Kong serves its political role as a special administrative region to show capitalism for China, which is on its own way to opening up, we should show Shanghai how market works -- cooperation through private sector, not the other way around.
Above all, a government intervention is fixing an agenda that doesn't even exist all at. Free market is necessary for a sustained economic development. A ticket to economic evolution outweighs a trophy of the financial sector. If we were made to choose between the two, we'd better make no mistake.
Even though the financial sector is important to us, it doesn't mean that the government has to do anything on it. Free market will decide whether or not the financial sector will remain as important tomorrow. Any bureaucratic measure runs the risks misleading the economy.
It is amazing to see how easy it is for human beings predicting the future to overestimate the continuity of the present situation and underestimate the variables down the road. Every year, when the English football season ends, a survey is conducted to ask people to predict the champion for the next season. It almost always turns out that the most-hopeful team is exactly the champion for the past reason. The survey is pointless, useless in prediction.
Nobody knows which industry will be the most important two decades from now, as nobody knew in 1987 the financial sector would become what it is today.
Use the Hang Seng Index as a proxy to the Hong Kong economy. The index constituents are Hong Kong's largest listed companies, and composition of this elite class has changed dramatically over the past twenty years.
Out of the 33 index constituents in October 1987, only 16 have stayed since. More than a half has gone. Those faded stars included a cement company, an aircraft engineering company, a dairy company, television broadcaster and a pair of bus operators. Some of those having stayed have also changed their business focus. For instance, PCCW, formerly known as HK Telephone, operates not only telephone lines, as it used to, but also computer broadband, mobile phone networks and cable-television.
Yes, the Hong Kong economy has experienced "structural changes", as government officials put it. Since 1987, factories moved across the border, the property market collapsed and China boomed. Hong Kong economic structure has changed during that period. When didn't it?
However awkward it seemed for the past two decades, the preceding 20-year period, from 1967 through 1987, marked yet another long list of historic events. And the change of HSI constituents was just as dramatic. During that period, again, a total of 16 big boys dropped out from the then-32-constituent index. They included a beer brewer, a tram operator, a dock and a pair of cross-harbor ferry operators.
If half of the current index constituents will go in the next two decades, what are the new companies and what opportunities will they create? How will the current index constituents shift its business and how will new technology shape our economy?
Uncertainty is the only certainty there is. Free market doesn't provide perfect foresight either. But free market provides the flexibility and guidance for changes that government planning cannot.
Imagine the government in 1967 mistook beer brewery industry as the winner and devoted all resources to it. The government's favoritism would attract many school graduates into the bartender career. Hong Kong would have built an extended Lane Kwai Fong, and that's it.
Is the global financial center status the ultimate destination for every modern city? Not necessarily, Boston, the 19th-century financial center, has evolved to foster some of the world's best universities and technology research institutes. And the living standards there are among the world's best.
Now, it doesn't looks as catastrophic as the government suggests for Hong Kong to lose the status of global financial center. Let the market decide. By doing so, people preserve the freedom to price assets so that resources, capital and human, are directed to the best ends.
If Hong Kong strives for an even greater global financial center, the details for how it actually works require business minds and entrepreneurial guts from the private sector, not the government.
Hong Kong's future is anybody's imagination, but the road of planning is likely to lead to a dead end.
HSI Constituents in 1967
Allied Inv
China Light
China Provident
City Hotels
Dairy Farm
G I Cement
HK & China Gas
HK & S Hotels
HK Aircraft
HK Bank
HK Dock
HK Electric
HK Land
HK Realty 'A'
HK Telephone
HK Tramways
HK Wharf
HK Yaumati
Jar Matheson
Jar Securities
Kln Motor Bus
Lane Crawford 'A'
San Miguel
S-Sea Textile
Star Ferry
Swire Pacific 'A'
Tex Alliance
W Marden 'A'
W Maritime 'A'
Copyrights Quamnet
When the stock market hit all-time high, we cared less about the West Kowloon project and democracy movements overseas than they used to. We asked fewer questions for the intervening government than we did in 1998, the last time the government intervened to defend our financial system. Indeed, we should have now asked more.
Last time, i mentioned that a discretionary intervention would cause more problems than a forced one. The government interfered our freedom of pricing, distorting the pricing function of market.
Many people believe that the financial sector is our future. That maintenance of Hong Kong's status of a global financial center is our top priority has become the consensus. If we are to strengthen our position, and if a cooperation with Shanghai is what it takes, the government officials' logics follows, we got to deal with Shanghai in the Shanghai way -- cooperation through government bureaucrats.
i believe this is illogical for three reasons.
First, the forming of any alliance between the Hong Kong and Shanghai exchanges is not necessarily beneficial. The alliance would deter competition between the two exchanges. It is through the rivalry race between each other that the two cities simultaneous improve the efficiency of fundraising and safeguarding of assets.
Second, even if the alliance is beneficial, an arragement among private sector is more appropriate. If Hong Kong serves its political role as a special administrative region to show capitalism for China, which is on its own way to opening up, we should show Shanghai how market works -- cooperation through private sector, not the other way around.
Above all, a government intervention is fixing an agenda that doesn't even exist all at. Free market is necessary for a sustained economic development. A ticket to economic evolution outweighs a trophy of the financial sector. If we were made to choose between the two, we'd better make no mistake.
Even though the financial sector is important to us, it doesn't mean that the government has to do anything on it. Free market will decide whether or not the financial sector will remain as important tomorrow. Any bureaucratic measure runs the risks misleading the economy.
It is amazing to see how easy it is for human beings predicting the future to overestimate the continuity of the present situation and underestimate the variables down the road. Every year, when the English football season ends, a survey is conducted to ask people to predict the champion for the next season. It almost always turns out that the most-hopeful team is exactly the champion for the past reason. The survey is pointless, useless in prediction.
Nobody knows which industry will be the most important two decades from now, as nobody knew in 1987 the financial sector would become what it is today.
Use the Hang Seng Index as a proxy to the Hong Kong economy. The index constituents are Hong Kong's largest listed companies, and composition of this elite class has changed dramatically over the past twenty years.
Out of the 33 index constituents in October 1987, only 16 have stayed since. More than a half has gone. Those faded stars included a cement company, an aircraft engineering company, a dairy company, television broadcaster and a pair of bus operators. Some of those having stayed have also changed their business focus. For instance, PCCW, formerly known as HK Telephone, operates not only telephone lines, as it used to, but also computer broadband, mobile phone networks and cable-television.
Yes, the Hong Kong economy has experienced "structural changes", as government officials put it. Since 1987, factories moved across the border, the property market collapsed and China boomed. Hong Kong economic structure has changed during that period. When didn't it?
However awkward it seemed for the past two decades, the preceding 20-year period, from 1967 through 1987, marked yet another long list of historic events. And the change of HSI constituents was just as dramatic. During that period, again, a total of 16 big boys dropped out from the then-32-constituent index. They included a beer brewer, a tram operator, a dock and a pair of cross-harbor ferry operators.
If half of the current index constituents will go in the next two decades, what are the new companies and what opportunities will they create? How will the current index constituents shift its business and how will new technology shape our economy?
Uncertainty is the only certainty there is. Free market doesn't provide perfect foresight either. But free market provides the flexibility and guidance for changes that government planning cannot.
Imagine the government in 1967 mistook beer brewery industry as the winner and devoted all resources to it. The government's favoritism would attract many school graduates into the bartender career. Hong Kong would have built an extended Lane Kwai Fong, and that's it.
Is the global financial center status the ultimate destination for every modern city? Not necessarily, Boston, the 19th-century financial center, has evolved to foster some of the world's best universities and technology research institutes. And the living standards there are among the world's best.
Now, it doesn't looks as catastrophic as the government suggests for Hong Kong to lose the status of global financial center. Let the market decide. By doing so, people preserve the freedom to price assets so that resources, capital and human, are directed to the best ends.
If Hong Kong strives for an even greater global financial center, the details for how it actually works require business minds and entrepreneurial guts from the private sector, not the government.
Hong Kong's future is anybody's imagination, but the road of planning is likely to lead to a dead end.
HSI Constituents in 1967
Allied Inv
China Light
China Provident
City Hotels
Dairy Farm
G I Cement
HK & China Gas
HK & S Hotels
HK Aircraft
HK Bank
HK Dock
HK Electric
HK Land
HK Realty 'A'
HK Telephone
HK Tramways
HK Wharf
HK Yaumati
Jar Matheson
Jar Securities
Kln Motor Bus
Lane Crawford 'A'
San Miguel
S-Sea Textile
Star Ferry
Swire Pacific 'A'
Tex Alliance
W Marden 'A'
W Maritime 'A'
Copyrights Quamnet
An intervention worse than 1998
The recent government intervention in the Hong Kong stock market will cause far deeper damages than what it did in 1998.
This month, the government said it had bought shares in HKEx, which owns the city's sole stock exchange, and had become the largest shareholder of it. That was the first time the government actively bought any Hong Kong-listed stock since the Asian Financial Crisis in 1998.
That year, the government, in a novel move, bought Hong Kong stocks and successfully defend its financial system. Years on, Hong Kong had left the turmoil behind and restored its reputation of a free market. In retrospect, the government intervention did no harm. How could the recent purchase of a single stock go wrong?
The difference is -- this time, the government chose.
Unlike last time when it bought all blue chips, of which the benchmark Hang Seng Index was composed, the government chose what to buy, when to buy, how many shares to buy. This discretion creates ambiguity. And ambiguity leads the power of coercion.
Now, the government intervention distracted corporate management from its focus on earnings. CEO of listed companies would ask: "What does the government like?" Will my company become the government's next target? Yes, every CEO, who takes his or her responsibility for optimizing shareholders' return seriously, ought to think about this question.
The next question the CEO should ask would be -- what could my company do to win the government's affection? Today, there are many cooperation opportunities between mainland China and Hong Kong. Stock and futures trading is one of them. Other possible arrangements could happen in infrastructure, utilities, transportation and technology. "What is the next big thing (for the government)?"
The corporate management would be busy developing businesses that they think the government would like. These businesses are not necessarily the most profitability or most efficient for the economy.
The distortion effort will multiply when investors join the guessing game. Investors would ask the same question: "What does the government like?" HKEx share price ended more than 20% higher on the day after the government's disclosure of its holding. They will buy stocks in anticipation of the government's action, rather than based on earnings prospects.
What does the government like? Somebody inside the government must have the answer. If not property regulated, that would create room for the government officials to give favoritism. Merely a public comment by government officials can move share prices up and down. That would create conflicts of interest between the public and private sectors.
This discretionary intervention would open the door for possible bailout for financial troubled corporations, especially those big ones with strong relationship with the government. All the government needs to justify a stock purchase is certain cooperation proposal between mainland China and Hong Kong, whether or not it will be realized in the future.
Therefore, the government holds the arbitrary power overshadowing the interest of investors and businesspeople, including incumbent industry players. Relationship with the government becomes more powerful than ever before.
Entrepreneurship will be compromised. Those start-up companies that experiment new products and services will not get financiers' attention they deserve. Being innovative and adventurous, those entrepreneurs cannot be the government's next pick. They cannot fairly compete with the incumbents that have maintained close relationship with the government.
If the government's intention mandates social activities, talents cannot contribute to the advancement of individual's living.
Hong Kong's success depends on entrepreneurship that enables its economy to transform flexibly from a trading harbor to a manufacturing base, to now a financial center. Hong Kong has long had favorable laws for business activities, for example low taxes and free ports. Above all, Hong Kong entrepreneurs are keen hunters for business opportunities. And a free market, without government intervention, is pivotal to allow investors to reward winners, and in turn encourage further newcomers and new ideas.
Should the government invested in a prominent local factory in the 1970's, when everyone believed that Hong Kong couldn't survive without manufacturing industry, Hong Kong could probably not be able to develop the financial industry as it is today.
In the future, will Hong Kong's success depend on some forms of bureaucratic alliance with mainland China? I don't know. But Hong Kong is destined to fail without entrepreneurship. The government's discretionary action is threatening the vitality of entrepreneurship.
Quam Copyright
This month, the government said it had bought shares in HKEx, which owns the city's sole stock exchange, and had become the largest shareholder of it. That was the first time the government actively bought any Hong Kong-listed stock since the Asian Financial Crisis in 1998.
That year, the government, in a novel move, bought Hong Kong stocks and successfully defend its financial system. Years on, Hong Kong had left the turmoil behind and restored its reputation of a free market. In retrospect, the government intervention did no harm. How could the recent purchase of a single stock go wrong?
The difference is -- this time, the government chose.
Unlike last time when it bought all blue chips, of which the benchmark Hang Seng Index was composed, the government chose what to buy, when to buy, how many shares to buy. This discretion creates ambiguity. And ambiguity leads the power of coercion.
Now, the government intervention distracted corporate management from its focus on earnings. CEO of listed companies would ask: "What does the government like?" Will my company become the government's next target? Yes, every CEO, who takes his or her responsibility for optimizing shareholders' return seriously, ought to think about this question.
The next question the CEO should ask would be -- what could my company do to win the government's affection? Today, there are many cooperation opportunities between mainland China and Hong Kong. Stock and futures trading is one of them. Other possible arrangements could happen in infrastructure, utilities, transportation and technology. "What is the next big thing (for the government)?"
The corporate management would be busy developing businesses that they think the government would like. These businesses are not necessarily the most profitability or most efficient for the economy.
The distortion effort will multiply when investors join the guessing game. Investors would ask the same question: "What does the government like?" HKEx share price ended more than 20% higher on the day after the government's disclosure of its holding. They will buy stocks in anticipation of the government's action, rather than based on earnings prospects.
What does the government like? Somebody inside the government must have the answer. If not property regulated, that would create room for the government officials to give favoritism. Merely a public comment by government officials can move share prices up and down. That would create conflicts of interest between the public and private sectors.
This discretionary intervention would open the door for possible bailout for financial troubled corporations, especially those big ones with strong relationship with the government. All the government needs to justify a stock purchase is certain cooperation proposal between mainland China and Hong Kong, whether or not it will be realized in the future.
Therefore, the government holds the arbitrary power overshadowing the interest of investors and businesspeople, including incumbent industry players. Relationship with the government becomes more powerful than ever before.
Entrepreneurship will be compromised. Those start-up companies that experiment new products and services will not get financiers' attention they deserve. Being innovative and adventurous, those entrepreneurs cannot be the government's next pick. They cannot fairly compete with the incumbents that have maintained close relationship with the government.
If the government's intention mandates social activities, talents cannot contribute to the advancement of individual's living.
Hong Kong's success depends on entrepreneurship that enables its economy to transform flexibly from a trading harbor to a manufacturing base, to now a financial center. Hong Kong has long had favorable laws for business activities, for example low taxes and free ports. Above all, Hong Kong entrepreneurs are keen hunters for business opportunities. And a free market, without government intervention, is pivotal to allow investors to reward winners, and in turn encourage further newcomers and new ideas.
Should the government invested in a prominent local factory in the 1970's, when everyone believed that Hong Kong couldn't survive without manufacturing industry, Hong Kong could probably not be able to develop the financial industry as it is today.
In the future, will Hong Kong's success depend on some forms of bureaucratic alliance with mainland China? I don't know. But Hong Kong is destined to fail without entrepreneurship. The government's discretionary action is threatening the vitality of entrepreneurship.
Quam Copyright

當遇上電影《明日之後》的場面,地球氣候急劇改變,溫度驟降,全香港冰天雪地,你會到哪裡避難? 會否像男主角一樣,藏到圖書館,就地取材,燃燒圖書作取暖之用? 怕到時人人抄襲電影情節,迫爆圖書館,茶怪建議你到更安全暢適的地方,就是任何一間投資銀行,因為那裡存放大量招股書,每本幾百頁厚,可應付不時之須。
《28週後》又如何? 到處都是饑餓如狼的食人喪屍,如果你是故事中的美軍,開槍都開到手軟,你會怎麼辦? 茶怪想,最佳方法是向喪屍送上手槍、機關槍、手榴彈,讓他們自相殘殺。因為要決定一個可愛小孩,究竟將成為喪屍甲、乙還是丙的豐富午餐,暴力是唯一的解決方法,你打我、我打你的情況下,喪屍自然傷亡慘重,那個無辜的小孩或可趁亂脫險。人類與喪屍一樣自私,但人類較聰明,懂得制造武器,但更聰明的,是懂得制定法律,保障產權,以交易解決問題,和平共存。
政府入市干預股市,買入港交所股份,用公眾的資源去投資投機,何不用這筆錢救濟老弱傷殘? 即使將錢發放給股民,由他們去自由選擇自己喜歡的股票,總好過單靠曾蔭權一己之見去買。他們更可選擇不作買賣,放入定期儲蓄戶口,甚至消費購買,到馬場搏殺。
如果市況逆轉,政府將陷入兩難,沽售或持有? 私人機構的基金經理易辦,大可止蝕離場,以利益為依歸,但政府要改變方向,要付出政治代價。如果政府止蝕離場便是承認政策失誤,用公眾資源去冒險。如果持有,可能損失更大。
如果市況逆轉,政府將陷入兩難,沽售或持有? 私人機構的基金經理易辦,大可止蝕離場,以利益為依歸,但政府要改變方向,要付出政治代價。如果政府止蝕離場便是承認政策失誤,用公眾資源去冒險。如果持有,可能損失更大。
港府送上海免費call option
港府增持港交所股票,據報,不是為投資亦非為干預市場,而是為未來與上海交易所進行股權互換,合作發展。本來,股權互換是很正常的市場交易,港交所和上海交易所可以直接deal,為何要港府作為中間人,先買入港交所股票,然後轉讓? 報導引述政府消息指,這是為顯示港府對港交所的信心,茶怪覺得莫名其妙。
茶怪懷疑,由於合作發展討論需時,上海交易所怕遲些,港交所股價較現時貴得多,所以要求港府先買,鎖定成本,之後議價方便些,另外,港府亦看好港交所後市,即使未來以市價折讓,售予上海,仍然有賺。茶怪想,如果是這樣,港府便承擔起股價下跌的風險,如果股價下跌,上海選擇其他方案或無限期拖延,就是賴著不換,港府就蝕。港府變相送上海免費call option。
茶怪懷疑,由於合作發展討論需時,上海交易所怕遲些,港交所股價較現時貴得多,所以要求港府先買,鎖定成本,之後議價方便些,另外,港府亦看好港交所後市,即使未來以市價折讓,售予上海,仍然有賺。茶怪想,如果是這樣,港府便承擔起股價下跌的風險,如果股價下跌,上海選擇其他方案或無限期拖延,就是賴著不換,港府就蝕。港府變相送上海免費call option。
要股市降溫,政府不應出來說股市是否過高,這只會削弱政府官員的公信力,因為他們短期很大機會估錯,亦無助炒風,而是應該聲明政府沒有責任救濟投機者,以中國現時的國力,誰說沒有牛市,奧運便攪不成功? 奧運成功,不靠股市。
要股市降溫,政府不應出來說股市是否過高,這只會削弱政府官員的公信力,因為他們短期很大機會估錯,亦無助炒風,而是應該聲明政府沒有責任救濟投機者,以中國現時的國力,誰說沒有牛市,奧運便攪不成功? 奧運成功,不靠股市。
看到左邊的瀏覽人數不斷上升,茶怪有點不好意思。因為不是每天有文出,恐怕令你白白浪費click進來的時間。現在向你推薦一個google function,可以幫你省時,就是google reader。只要預設你想看的blog,那個版面就會包羅那些blog的最新文章,並即時更新,好方便。
Make sense 廢話
人總是對意料之外的事情感到不安,嘗試基於已知結果,去找一個合乎常理的解釋,併砌成一個有前因後理的「故仔」,易明易記易講,安樂地作事後孔明。一位社會學者說,人並非理性動物,而是一種試圖將事物合理化的動物。可惜,自己認知的往往比想像中少,在構思「故仔」的過程中可能忽略了很多重要的因素,更否定了機緣巧合。這種思考方式很易受所謂「光環效應」 (The Halo Effect)所誤導。
每天股市上上落落,就苦了財經記者和編輯去tell the story,例如早上電視台引述美國通訊社的報導,跌市時說原油價格上升影響消費者信心,升市時說原油價格上升,石油相關類股份帶動大市造好,而不肯接受市場的複雜性和不可預知的本質。「光環效應」就是令人莽斷,升市時,誤以為所有因素都是利好的,包括油價上升; 跌市時,以為所有因素都是利淡的,亦包括油價上升。
新書The Halo Effect解釋光環效應,作者Phil Rosenzweiga扮演devil's advocate角色,挑戰傳統企業管理學思維。如果你喜歡Built To Last和類似有關企業成功之道的書,The Halo Effect不容錯過。
人總是對意料之外的事情感到不安,嘗試基於已知結果,去找一個合乎常理的解釋,併砌成一個有前因後理的「故仔」,易明易記易講,安樂地作事後孔明。一位社會學者說,人並非理性動物,而是一種試圖將事物合理化的動物。可惜,自己認知的往往比想像中少,在構思「故仔」的過程中可能忽略了很多重要的因素,更否定了機緣巧合。這種思考方式很易受所謂「光環效應」 (The Halo Effect)所誤導。
每天股市上上落落,就苦了財經記者和編輯去tell the story,例如早上電視台引述美國通訊社的報導,跌市時說原油價格上升影響消費者信心,升市時說原油價格上升,石油相關類股份帶動大市造好,而不肯接受市場的複雜性和不可預知的本質。「光環效應」就是令人莽斷,升市時,誤以為所有因素都是利好的,包括油價上升; 跌市時,以為所有因素都是利淡的,亦包括油價上升。
新書The Halo Effect解釋光環效應,作者Phil Rosenzweiga扮演devil's advocate角色,挑戰傳統企業管理學思維。如果你喜歡Built To Last和類似有關企業成功之道的書,The Halo Effect不容錯過。
i'm a plastic bag
We hate plastic bags. Those bags we carry out of supermarkets everyday end up accumulating in landfills and damaging our environment. Conservation groups have urged the government to discourage the use of plastic bags and are winning widening support from the public. One of their proposals is to introduce a tax on plastic bags, or plastax. That's a fixed amount of taxation for every bag consumed. To many, it sounds to be a good idea to affect the behavior of thrifty households. But i have a different theory.
What is a plastic bag? Why supermarkets give it for free?
Isn't a plastic bag a free gift a supermarket gives for customers' convenience? Obviously, negative. Business is anything but philanthropy. Take a convenience store as an example. The cashier almost always asks whether you need a bag or not. If your answer is negative, he is trained to please you with a loud slogan: "Thank you for caring the environment." Indeed, the owner of the convenience store thanks you for saving him a bag. In the supermarket, the cashier never asks that question. Neither does he say anything to encourage you to refuse a bag.
Why the convenience store and the supermarket take different attitudes toward a plastic bag? The answer is, from the convenience store, you seldom buy more than you need, whereas, from the supermarket, you do. In the convenience store, you grasp a bottle of soft drink and some snacks, and go, because you know if you need anything else, you may always find another convenience store within a few footsteps. The convenience store chain knows they cannot make you buy more than you need, except, an extra chocolate bar and that's it.
Supermarket business is a different game. We go to supermarket to buy anything. We do have a shopping list or some idea what we need in advance. But we often get more than we need. Some economists or business gurus attribute the excessive purchase to the successful marketing strategies and the tactics of store layout. But few people observe the pragmatic bottom line. "How are we going to carry the extra stuff out of the supermarket?" Have you ever asked such a question? i never.
Without plastic bags, the amount of stuff purchased is limited to the size of your own bag. And the size of your bag depends on what you plan to buy before leaving home. Now, fully accustomed to the infinite supply of plastic bags, free of charge, that question is pointless. Supermarket knows it. Plastic bags are not for you to carry the stuff you need. They are to carry the stuff you don't need. That's why, unlike convenience store, supermarket never praises you for "caring the environment".
Supermarket wants you to understand that you don't have to worry about carrying the extra stuff even though you are not prepared to carry them. Then, it wants you to walk proudly out to the street, carrying its bags.
Have you ever noticed that there are two different kinds of plastic bags in supermarket? The obvious one is that cashier supplies, on both sides of which is printed with big and bright logo of the supermarket. The less obvious, but as common, is the smaller one that wraps wet stuff like meat, fish and vegetables. This one is faceless, all white without any logo or graphic design. Why are the two kinds so different? The answer is the faceless one sits inside the bright one when you walk out to the street and doesn't show up.
If you believe that a labeled bag is for you to distinguish what being bought from where, you are wrong. Of course, the label does serve such a purpose, but it cannot be the reason for the label to exist in the first place. A labeled bag is for other people to see, for advertising.
Remember the last time you brought a T-shirt and received an oversized carton sack from the boutique. Nothing advertises better than showing someone else is buying. Take a gas station as another example. Gasoline is the least sexy product apart from electricity. Unlike the monopolistic utility companies, gasoline companies compete with each other, if not in pricing. There is no way to tell which car has had its tank filled up by which gas company. The "labeled bag" strategy cannot work because there needs no bag. However, the marketing people do a little trick.
Gas stations give out free boxes of tissue paper with their logos printed on it. Naturally, you put the little box behind the backseat. And, by doing so, you do the gas station a favor by broadcasting an advertisement about the gas station. The audience is all the drivers behind you.
When you walk out to the street carrying the plastic bag of the supermarket, you do the advertising for the supermarket. The more bags you carry, the more physically challenged you look, the better.
i buy more than i need. i help it advertise. Plastic bag and i cannot be separated. From supermarket's viewpoint, i am a plastic bag.
It is the supermarket, not the consumer, who loves plastic bags. Imagine the government launches plastax and the number of consumers who accept plastic bags drops drastically. What would happen in the supermarket? First, shoppers have to leave behind some of the stuff they otherwise would purchase because they haven't prepared enough bags of their own. Second, they all come out the supermarket without a single hint at whether they have bought anything. Turning the street corner, nobody even knows they have ever shopped at where. If you were one of the supermarket owners, would you let that happen?
Supermarkets will do anything to protect plastic bags. For example, they would bear the cost of plastax. They would give out bonuses or coupons to keep you using plastic bags. As long as the plastax is lower than the cost of those bags made of recyclable and environment-friendly materials, supermarkets will keep plastic bags. The bottom-line is you can buy as much as you want and help do the advertising.
Then, all parties are happy, except smaller grocery shops and the start-ups. These smaller competitors don't have the resources to bear the cost of plastax. Neither can they upgrade the bag materials. In the end, plastax will stop small shops from providing customers' convenience, but it cannot stop supermarkets from giving out plastic bags. i believe plastax is one of the many examples that laws and regulations create unnecessarily biased business environment against entrepreneurs and in favor of big firms.
Quamnet column
What is a plastic bag? Why supermarkets give it for free?
Isn't a plastic bag a free gift a supermarket gives for customers' convenience? Obviously, negative. Business is anything but philanthropy. Take a convenience store as an example. The cashier almost always asks whether you need a bag or not. If your answer is negative, he is trained to please you with a loud slogan: "Thank you for caring the environment." Indeed, the owner of the convenience store thanks you for saving him a bag. In the supermarket, the cashier never asks that question. Neither does he say anything to encourage you to refuse a bag.
Why the convenience store and the supermarket take different attitudes toward a plastic bag? The answer is, from the convenience store, you seldom buy more than you need, whereas, from the supermarket, you do. In the convenience store, you grasp a bottle of soft drink and some snacks, and go, because you know if you need anything else, you may always find another convenience store within a few footsteps. The convenience store chain knows they cannot make you buy more than you need, except, an extra chocolate bar and that's it.
Supermarket business is a different game. We go to supermarket to buy anything. We do have a shopping list or some idea what we need in advance. But we often get more than we need. Some economists or business gurus attribute the excessive purchase to the successful marketing strategies and the tactics of store layout. But few people observe the pragmatic bottom line. "How are we going to carry the extra stuff out of the supermarket?" Have you ever asked such a question? i never.
Without plastic bags, the amount of stuff purchased is limited to the size of your own bag. And the size of your bag depends on what you plan to buy before leaving home. Now, fully accustomed to the infinite supply of plastic bags, free of charge, that question is pointless. Supermarket knows it. Plastic bags are not for you to carry the stuff you need. They are to carry the stuff you don't need. That's why, unlike convenience store, supermarket never praises you for "caring the environment".
Supermarket wants you to understand that you don't have to worry about carrying the extra stuff even though you are not prepared to carry them. Then, it wants you to walk proudly out to the street, carrying its bags.
Have you ever noticed that there are two different kinds of plastic bags in supermarket? The obvious one is that cashier supplies, on both sides of which is printed with big and bright logo of the supermarket. The less obvious, but as common, is the smaller one that wraps wet stuff like meat, fish and vegetables. This one is faceless, all white without any logo or graphic design. Why are the two kinds so different? The answer is the faceless one sits inside the bright one when you walk out to the street and doesn't show up.
If you believe that a labeled bag is for you to distinguish what being bought from where, you are wrong. Of course, the label does serve such a purpose, but it cannot be the reason for the label to exist in the first place. A labeled bag is for other people to see, for advertising.
Remember the last time you brought a T-shirt and received an oversized carton sack from the boutique. Nothing advertises better than showing someone else is buying. Take a gas station as another example. Gasoline is the least sexy product apart from electricity. Unlike the monopolistic utility companies, gasoline companies compete with each other, if not in pricing. There is no way to tell which car has had its tank filled up by which gas company. The "labeled bag" strategy cannot work because there needs no bag. However, the marketing people do a little trick.
Gas stations give out free boxes of tissue paper with their logos printed on it. Naturally, you put the little box behind the backseat. And, by doing so, you do the gas station a favor by broadcasting an advertisement about the gas station. The audience is all the drivers behind you.
When you walk out to the street carrying the plastic bag of the supermarket, you do the advertising for the supermarket. The more bags you carry, the more physically challenged you look, the better.
i buy more than i need. i help it advertise. Plastic bag and i cannot be separated. From supermarket's viewpoint, i am a plastic bag.
It is the supermarket, not the consumer, who loves plastic bags. Imagine the government launches plastax and the number of consumers who accept plastic bags drops drastically. What would happen in the supermarket? First, shoppers have to leave behind some of the stuff they otherwise would purchase because they haven't prepared enough bags of their own. Second, they all come out the supermarket without a single hint at whether they have bought anything. Turning the street corner, nobody even knows they have ever shopped at where. If you were one of the supermarket owners, would you let that happen?
Supermarkets will do anything to protect plastic bags. For example, they would bear the cost of plastax. They would give out bonuses or coupons to keep you using plastic bags. As long as the plastax is lower than the cost of those bags made of recyclable and environment-friendly materials, supermarkets will keep plastic bags. The bottom-line is you can buy as much as you want and help do the advertising.
Then, all parties are happy, except smaller grocery shops and the start-ups. These smaller competitors don't have the resources to bear the cost of plastax. Neither can they upgrade the bag materials. In the end, plastax will stop small shops from providing customers' convenience, but it cannot stop supermarkets from giving out plastic bags. i believe plastax is one of the many examples that laws and regulations create unnecessarily biased business environment against entrepreneurs and in favor of big firms.
Quamnet column

前美國副總統戈爾新著The Assault on Reason說美國人民看電視太多,喪失了對政治的理性思考能力。美國人平均每天看電視四個半小時,深受電視畫面影響,政治人物耗用大量政治經費買廣告時段,以煽情的手法,宣傳自己的政治立場,例如布殊政府誇大美國受恐怖襲擊的風險,以及刻意地將薩達姆和阿爾蓋達組織扯上關係,以誤導國民支持美軍出兵伊拉克。
我的名字 你的閒事
電話響起,來電顯示: "withheld"。
「咦? 你點知嘅?」
「喔,唔好意思,因為我地個資料系統只顯示英文Cha Gwei,不能顯示中文名。」
單憑英文譯音去估中文名,成功機會恐怕不足五成。例如,英文名Chan Wai Man的人可以叫陳偉文、陳慧敏或陳維曼。茶怪想,連客人的名字也弄不清,電話推銷員要推銷標榜為客人度身訂造的個人理財計劃,說服力自然大減。銳意發展財富管理業務的恆生可能要想想怎樣改善對客人的稱呼。
「咦? 你點知嘅?」
「喔,唔好意思,因為我地個資料系統只顯示英文Cha Gwei,不能顯示中文名。」
單憑英文譯音去估中文名,成功機會恐怕不足五成。例如,英文名Chan Wai Man的人可以叫陳偉文、陳慧敏或陳維曼。茶怪想,連客人的名字也弄不清,電話推銷員要推銷標榜為客人度身訂造的個人理財計劃,說服力自然大減。銳意發展財富管理業務的恆生可能要想想怎樣改善對客人的稱呼。
再見 利是啡
Laissez-faire自由放任政策,普遍被視受香港經濟成功的基石,六十年代擔任財政司郭伯偉亦因大力推行此政策而廣受傳誦,可是,前政府政策顧問顧汝德在其卸任後撰寫的《香港政經》(Uneasy Partners) 一書,力陳香港政府之所以實行自由放任政策,並非為了促進經濟發展,而是基於政治上的考慮,求其管治方便之權宜計。

蔡東豪想找人寫有關財經的書,找了Victor和K.L.,問茶怪有冇興趣,茶怪話有,事情就是這樣開始。Victor是茶怪多年的舊同事,合作無間,K.L.是Quam的客戶,理念相近。寫甚麼? 蔡定了一個主題,就是「為甚麼」,就像那些兒童益智書「十萬個為甚麼」的模樣。問甚麼? 只要有關財經,問甚麼都可以。於是有好幾個星期六的下午,我們四人就困在一個細小的心戰室,腦力激盪,定下大綱、內容和規格,大家都開懷交換意見,討論好有啟發性。
找來林少陽為書寫序,對茶怪別具意義,I feel so proud, flattered。
索女 喪屍 機關槍

電影「索女 喪屍 機關槍」是近期佳作。索女、喪屍和火爆場面共冶一爐,娛樂性豐富,導演刻意懷舊,模仿七十年代爛片,例如粗糙的畫面、突兀的剪接,還有久違了的「爛gag」,好過癮。故事講: 一個失落的艷舞女郎,立志成為棟篤笑喜劇人,但她連一點攪笑天份也沒有。一輪災難改變了她的一生。
最經典的,是那支義肢機關槍 (見圖),當她發現自己失去的一條腿,哭起來,心想自己做棟篤笑的心願永遠不能達到,跛了怎樣企在台上? 跟著,周圍都是喪屍,她已陷於絕望,跟著有人來救她,她哭著說她走也走不動,誰知一支機關槍插在跛足上,她便重生。「咁都得?」「有乜唔得」人困在逆境時,總是抱怨,放不下失去了的東西,但到危難時,「唔得都要得」只要識變通,一定有計,誰說跛子不能走,仲可以好勁,她還奇蹟地說起笑話來。
銅鑼灣建築地盤的一座天秤塌下,昂平吊車跌下,朱培慶與女伴夜遊被撞破,好似好多時候,每日都無事無幹,人人如常地生活,但偏偏是那萬分之一機會會發生的事情,影響我們大半生。想預測未來,最佳方法是認識歷史,但連愛看歷史書的蔡東豪接受訪問時都說,對前路只能「見步行步」。John Perkins也有類似的看法,在其暢銷書Confessions of an Economic Hit Man講述自已多年為美國政府服務,建立世界霸權,他多次慨嘆人生中有一連串的巧合,而面對每個巧合作出的決定,就是影響人生的路途。經濟學者稱之為spontaneous order,簡單來說即係冇order,冇秩序。
電影"每當變幻時"結尾時,演街市婆的千鏵回顧十年得失,說不清成功失敗,只能說是一個過程。而家個股市都係一兩年前冇人估到,至於幾時大跌市,為什麼跌,是美國次級按揭還是中國宏調,誰人知,可能是其他未有所聞的原因,事後至知。新書The Black Swan好似又係世事的不實定性及其力量,硬皮裝$245,茶怪好有計劃地等待折扣優惠。
電影"每當變幻時"結尾時,演街市婆的千鏵回顧十年得失,說不清成功失敗,只能說是一個過程。而家個股市都係一兩年前冇人估到,至於幾時大跌市,為什麼跌,是美國次級按揭還是中國宏調,誰人知,可能是其他未有所聞的原因,事後至知。新書The Black Swan好似又係世事的不實定性及其力量,硬皮裝$245,茶怪好有計劃地等待折扣優惠。

富豪們有機會優先購入新股,毋須與散戶投資者一同抽籤以待分配合,如果該新股是熱門股,上市後藉著供不應供的關係,股價上升,認購落空的散戶唯有以較高的價錢買股,這樣,富豪們變相可以低於市價買股,做成不公平。蘋果日報今日的設計圖片真的可圈可點,以幾位富豪扮演電影「盜海豪情」的主角,是喻意他們一擲千金的豪情,還是指他們是盜賊? 茶怪無意作道德判斷,只是制度不健全,容許不公平發生。
茶怪想,一分耕,一分收獲這種理想烏托邦固然好,但在現實生活是不可能的,因為如果這樣,必須有一個無上權威去決定誰比誰「值得」賺得多,這個無上權威由誰做? 再者,如果規定小學畢業生永遠不能賺得比中學畢業生多,而中學畢業生的收入又永遠不能超過大學畢業生,這樣的社會又怎能令每個人奮發圖強呢? 說澳門發展需慢慢來,如果設身處地去想你是澳門人,你希望明日加人工,還是明年? 你想你的客人是有錢人還是窮人? 你想你的子女到賭場酒店工作,還是看士多賣鳥結糖?
茶怪想,一分耕,一分收獲這種理想烏托邦固然好,但在現實生活是不可能的,因為如果這樣,必須有一個無上權威去決定誰比誰「值得」賺得多,這個無上權威由誰做? 再者,如果規定小學畢業生永遠不能賺得比中學畢業生多,而中學畢業生的收入又永遠不能超過大學畢業生,這樣的社會又怎能令每個人奮發圖強呢? 說澳門發展需慢慢來,如果設身處地去想你是澳門人,你希望明日加人工,還是明年? 你想你的客人是有錢人還是窮人? 你想你的子女到賭場酒店工作,還是看士多賣鳥結糖?
呢十年有幾好? 鬼佬走了。鬼佬走了有幾好? 請不要誤會茶怪仇外,茶怪當然觀迎鬼佬住在香港,但在港英管治時代,不得不承認在工作上和官祿上是有無形的天花板,在香港的英資公司和政府的高位,中國人沒有可能爬得上。現在,英資公司的高層也慢慢本土化,政府更甚,亦多了中資公司來港。鬼佬走了,有很多職位要中國人上。以前,你不是鬼佬,只好應命,以前沒想過可以爭取的,現在都放在眼前,當然,大家都係中國人,千千萬萬的中國人一齊爭,大家都有機會贏,都咁高咁大,爭起來自然吃力。
施永青早前在其報紙社評談民主,批評英美的民主制度阻礙普羅市民的參政機會,末段有幾句神來之筆: 「我對民主政制幻想不多,我寧願政府無為一些,不要管得那麼多,好讓人民可以有多點自主空間。投票幾年才可以行使一次,但自主空間則天天可享用。我願意以民主換自主。」茶怪將施老闆的「自主」理解為「自由」,自己為自己的事情做主。
有人說,民主不是一個目標,只是一條途徑,去保障人民的自由。茶怪同意。人民以個人的意願填form (無須打仗) 去決定誰執政,政府制定公平的法律和提供公共服務,就不用管甚麼。政府之所以可以袖手旁觀,前題是社會有自由市場和慈善力量。
有人說,民主不是一個目標,只是一條途徑,去保障人民的自由。茶怪同意。人民以個人的意願填form (無須打仗) 去決定誰執政,政府制定公平的法律和提供公共服務,就不用管甚麼。政府之所以可以袖手旁觀,前題是社會有自由市場和慈善力量。
究竟何謂有「實際需要」,究竟攪「維港巨星匯」、資助電影業、還是資助粵劇,還是保護雀鳥生態較好? 還是幫助窮人? 茶怪唔知,政府亦不應話事。最好由付錢的人決定。由慈善團體籌款,捐款人各自選擇幫助的對象。如果社會整體認為保護雀鳥生態較發展電影業重要,保護雀鳥生態能吸引的捐款自然比較多。你可能問,在經濟掛帥的香港,哪裡更多的善長仁翁?
究竟何謂有「實際需要」,究竟攪「維港巨星匯」、資助電影業、還是資助粵劇,還是保護雀鳥生態較好? 還是幫助窮人? 茶怪唔知,政府亦不應話事。最好由付錢的人決定。由慈善團體籌款,捐款人各自選擇幫助的對象。如果社會整體認為保護雀鳥生態較發展電影業重要,保護雀鳥生態能吸引的捐款自然比較多。你可能問,在經濟掛帥的香港,哪裡更多的善長仁翁?

做生意的一般不敢得罪客人,千錯萬錯,客人永遠是對的。食肆全面禁煙,酒樓員工都違規者「盡量容忍」,得罪客人等於與自己荷包對著幹。客人拖數賴帳就更麻煩,一方面公司希望客人繼續光顧,另一方面,又怕欠款愈欠愈多。免費報紙AM730則反其道而行,今日在要聞版刊登了一則「欠廣告費啟事」,促請一廣告客戶清還欠款,還公開其股東身份。實行為客人做個「反宣傳」,這一招真絕,欠款的客戶相信只好乖乖就範,否則報紙天天來這一套,恐怕其旅行社生意做不下去。「欠廣告費啟事」會不會嚇怕其他的客人呢? 茶怪想,AM730的廣告版位天天爆滿,惡得起。該客戶不單只馬上付清欠款,還要再落另一則廣告解釋事件,以保護自己的聲譽,報紙又有生意。
HK won't raise another Jackie Chan
Apart from the brown tap water and the oil fish at home that might make me sick, i shouldn't worry about the society's polarization of income distribution that, skeptics said, affects the job opportunities. The phenomenon of so-called "M-shaped Society" is the mere consequence of the fact that people walk different paths of life. The older they get, the broader divergence of achievements it is possible. That actually happens in Hong Kong as the baby boomers who were born in 1950's and 1960's. The reason the skeptics blame the "M-shaped" phenomenon for the seemingly narrowed job opportunities is that, i believe, the "M-shaped" phenomenon emerged coincidently with the buoyancy of unemployment. The skeptics are barking up the wrong tree.
Yes, unemployment statistics has been disappointing although the economy has been expanded uninterruptedly for the past four years. The current jobless rate of 4.1% means that for every 1,000 people who are either working or waiting for jobs, 41 are now without job. The number considerably exceeds the average 37 over the past 25 years. In the heyday 1982 to 1997, only 25 people on average were jobless. The number hit a historic low of 11 in 1989. Now, at 4.1%, the unemployment rate has fallen significantly from the peak but the decline has flattened. Why?
Economic cycle cannot explain the prevailing unemployment. Is it structural? The government would be happy to agree and reiterates its old tale that Hong Kong has transformed from a manufacturing town to a service-oriented city. The government likes to say that workers who are laid off from factories remained unemployed and that has limited the decline of unemployment rate. The tale suggests that the prevailing unemployment is something irreversible, and the government can hardly do anything about it. However widely cited it is, the tale is false.
The chart on the right (Source: Hong Kong Government) nails the lie.

This chart shows the unemployment trend by age group since 1982. All lines go hand-in-hand, up and down together. The unemployment among workers aged between 50 and 59 has been high in recent years. But the fact is that all age groups, young and old, have soared. If it were structural unemployment that dictated the overall unemployment, one would expect to see the older people, the green line and the orange line, suffer and the others do not. If it were structural unemployment that causes the whole unemployment problem, the jobless rate among the younger people, represented by the red line and the light blue line, should be low. But that is not the case.
The highly consistent pattern across ages suggests that structural changes have played a minor role, if any, in explaining the whole employment problem. There must be some underlying force that affects all workers, young and old.
Apart from "M-shaped" phenomenon, Hong Kong's social welfare has risen coincidently with the rise of unemployment rate.
See the chart on the right (Source: Hong Kong Government) and you will find changes in jobless welfare ground-breaking.

The red line in the chart shows expenditure of Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) Scheme since 1994. The black line shows the number of recipients. The expenditure fifth-folded to HK$17.6 billion in 2004, from HK$3.4 in 1994. The number of recipients increased to 542,000 from 140,000 during the same period. How large is the group of recipients? The number of recipients in 2004 was more than double the number of unemployed people.
How much does the scheme pay as compared with an employer? According to official statistics, an eligible family of three members on average received HK$7,700 a month in the year ended October 2005. A single-member family got HK$3,500 a month.
A cleaning worker earns about HK$3,000 to HK$5,000 after one whole month of hardship. He loses almost all his leisure time and probably spends most of his saving in medical expenses due to the infectious working environment.
The welfare system gives incentive for people not to work. i believe that is the major cause for the prevailing unemployment problem.
Unemployment driven by the welfare hurt the economy harder than cyclical and structural causes do because it tends to stay for a long period of time and affect all workers, young and old. Today's stagnant French economy is an example.
Taxpayers are worse-off. More importantly, the society loses a group of workforce. Small businesses cannot recruit unskilled workers. In the past, small businesses such as textile, jewelry and spectacle companies provided on-job training for young workers, giving rise to a group of innovative talents. For instance, the bosses of listed companies, Shenzhou (2313), Luk Fook (590) and Arts Optical (1120) started their careers as trainees. As trainees, they received minimal pays. All they can ask for were daily meals and the teaching of their "masters" in the hope that they would one day start their own businesses using the techniques taught by their masters.
School courses cannot replace on-job training because students in school aim to take course credits, not the mastering of certain tasks. Without such no-pay training system, there won't be any movie star Jackie Chan.
The welfare expenditure that kicked off in mid-1990's has destroyed the opportunities for on-job training and the innovation that would emerge. As Hong Kong has shown in the past, innovation, not government direction, is what an economy needs for it to go forward.
Next time, i will continue to explore the topic of opportunities.
Copyright Quam
Yes, unemployment statistics has been disappointing although the economy has been expanded uninterruptedly for the past four years. The current jobless rate of 4.1% means that for every 1,000 people who are either working or waiting for jobs, 41 are now without job. The number considerably exceeds the average 37 over the past 25 years. In the heyday 1982 to 1997, only 25 people on average were jobless. The number hit a historic low of 11 in 1989. Now, at 4.1%, the unemployment rate has fallen significantly from the peak but the decline has flattened. Why?
Economic cycle cannot explain the prevailing unemployment. Is it structural? The government would be happy to agree and reiterates its old tale that Hong Kong has transformed from a manufacturing town to a service-oriented city. The government likes to say that workers who are laid off from factories remained unemployed and that has limited the decline of unemployment rate. The tale suggests that the prevailing unemployment is something irreversible, and the government can hardly do anything about it. However widely cited it is, the tale is false.
The chart on the right (Source: Hong Kong Government) nails the lie.

This chart shows the unemployment trend by age group since 1982. All lines go hand-in-hand, up and down together. The unemployment among workers aged between 50 and 59 has been high in recent years. But the fact is that all age groups, young and old, have soared. If it were structural unemployment that dictated the overall unemployment, one would expect to see the older people, the green line and the orange line, suffer and the others do not. If it were structural unemployment that causes the whole unemployment problem, the jobless rate among the younger people, represented by the red line and the light blue line, should be low. But that is not the case.
The highly consistent pattern across ages suggests that structural changes have played a minor role, if any, in explaining the whole employment problem. There must be some underlying force that affects all workers, young and old.
Apart from "M-shaped" phenomenon, Hong Kong's social welfare has risen coincidently with the rise of unemployment rate.
See the chart on the right (Source: Hong Kong Government) and you will find changes in jobless welfare ground-breaking.

The red line in the chart shows expenditure of Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) Scheme since 1994. The black line shows the number of recipients. The expenditure fifth-folded to HK$17.6 billion in 2004, from HK$3.4 in 1994. The number of recipients increased to 542,000 from 140,000 during the same period. How large is the group of recipients? The number of recipients in 2004 was more than double the number of unemployed people.
How much does the scheme pay as compared with an employer? According to official statistics, an eligible family of three members on average received HK$7,700 a month in the year ended October 2005. A single-member family got HK$3,500 a month.
A cleaning worker earns about HK$3,000 to HK$5,000 after one whole month of hardship. He loses almost all his leisure time and probably spends most of his saving in medical expenses due to the infectious working environment.
The welfare system gives incentive for people not to work. i believe that is the major cause for the prevailing unemployment problem.
Unemployment driven by the welfare hurt the economy harder than cyclical and structural causes do because it tends to stay for a long period of time and affect all workers, young and old. Today's stagnant French economy is an example.
Taxpayers are worse-off. More importantly, the society loses a group of workforce. Small businesses cannot recruit unskilled workers. In the past, small businesses such as textile, jewelry and spectacle companies provided on-job training for young workers, giving rise to a group of innovative talents. For instance, the bosses of listed companies, Shenzhou (2313), Luk Fook (590) and Arts Optical (1120) started their careers as trainees. As trainees, they received minimal pays. All they can ask for were daily meals and the teaching of their "masters" in the hope that they would one day start their own businesses using the techniques taught by their masters.
School courses cannot replace on-job training because students in school aim to take course credits, not the mastering of certain tasks. Without such no-pay training system, there won't be any movie star Jackie Chan.
The welfare expenditure that kicked off in mid-1990's has destroyed the opportunities for on-job training and the innovation that would emerge. As Hong Kong has shown in the past, innovation, not government direction, is what an economy needs for it to go forward.
Next time, i will continue to explore the topic of opportunities.
Copyright Quam
這個惡作劇非常無聊,損人不利己,拉警鐘的都肯定是傻子,其中一個就是茶怪。當時,到了大學不足一個星期,一班新生睡不著在聊天,宿舍內其他人都睡了,其中有人話有這樣的有趣傳統,有人提議試試,於是大家便靜靜地返房,以免給人發現,哪警鐘由誰拉? 茶怪和另一位同學自動獻身。警鐘一拉,我們待了一會,就若無其事的混在人群裡,一起走到大門前的草地上,那是清晨五時,聚集了近百人,就是我們的傑作。當時茶怪著,就這樣,大學生涯才不枉過,勁。
這個惡作劇非常無聊,損人不利己,拉警鐘的都肯定是傻子,其中一個就是茶怪。當時,到了大學不足一個星期,一班新生睡不著在聊天,宿舍內其他人都睡了,其中有人話有這樣的有趣傳統,有人提議試試,於是大家便靜靜地返房,以免給人發現,哪警鐘由誰拉? 茶怪和另一位同學自動獻身。警鐘一拉,我們待了一會,就若無其事的混在人群裡,一起走到大門前的草地上,那是清晨五時,聚集了近百人,就是我們的傑作。當時茶怪著,就這樣,大學生涯才不枉過,勁。
集體回憶屬誰 II
舊灣仔,茶怪也住過,在天台玩,不知幾爽,現在的新樓就不可能。但到2007年,如果負擔得起,茶怪都會選擇有電梯、衛生情況好一點的其他樓。周末到舊區逛逛,影相,的確幾捨意的,但如果要住在那裡的幾十年唐樓,你願意嗎? 七八十歲的老人家每日要上落幾層樓梯又是如何味道?
所有舊的東西,大排檔也好,唐樓也好,都曾經是新的,它們的出現,是推倒更舊的東西而來的。那麼,那些更舊的東西有沒有集體回憶呢? 一定有。那麼我們這一代的集體回憶豈不是又是建基於對上一代的集體回憶之摧毀嗎? 集體回憶屬誰?
舊灣仔,茶怪也住過,在天台玩,不知幾爽,現在的新樓就不可能。但到2007年,如果負擔得起,茶怪都會選擇有電梯、衛生情況好一點的其他樓。周末到舊區逛逛,影相,的確幾捨意的,但如果要住在那裡的幾十年唐樓,你願意嗎? 七八十歲的老人家每日要上落幾層樓梯又是如何味道?
所有舊的東西,大排檔也好,唐樓也好,都曾經是新的,它們的出現,是推倒更舊的東西而來的。那麼,那些更舊的東西有沒有集體回憶呢? 一定有。那麼我們這一代的集體回憶豈不是又是建基於對上一代的集體回憶之摧毀嗎? 集體回憶屬誰?
胡恩威在<<香港風格>>一書中說: 「在太古廣場、太古城、又一城、新城市廣場與及眾多的冷氣商場裡面,沒有歷史,沒有感情,沒有甚麼可以記憶。商場的光線只有一種,沒有四季,無雨、無風,人與人的距離很接近,但當大家透明,沒有笑容,沒有甚麼,甚麼都沒有。這就是資本主義唯一的理想生活嗎? ... 在深水埗的大街小巷裡,有雨,有風,有人世間的悲歡離合,有黑有白有灰,有紅有黃有綠。夏天的汗水,又濕又熱,活受罪。」
讀來很順心,但茶怪再想,所謂集體回憶,是屬於誰的回憶? 對於八十年代成長的一代,包括茶怪自己,舊區商場是集體回憶,新商場不可能是,但對於下一代,和下一代的下一代,這些舊區商場不是他們回憶的一部分,現在新的商場,將來就成為他們的回憶。如果我們這一代純粹為了懷舊,為保留所謂「集體」的回憶,就漠視了下一代的權利,去經歷自己的年代,建立自己的回憶。
讀來很順心,但茶怪再想,所謂集體回憶,是屬於誰的回憶? 對於八十年代成長的一代,包括茶怪自己,舊區商場是集體回憶,新商場不可能是,但對於下一代,和下一代的下一代,這些舊區商場不是他們回憶的一部分,現在新的商場,將來就成為他們的回憶。如果我們這一代純粹為了懷舊,為保留所謂「集體」的回憶,就漠視了下一代的權利,去經歷自己的年代,建立自己的回憶。
1. 那我真的是全世界最幸福的人了! 其他女士們都愛財、講條件,但你是不一樣的,每人有自由選擇的權利,你置機會成本於不顧,選擇了我,我實在太幸福了。
2. 現在沒有奴隸制,我也不會當你是奴隸看待。
3. 兩人相處要互相幫忙,如果你將來和我一同生活,我也不要你做所有家務,我要分擔一部分家務。
4. 你愛我要付出那麼多心思和時間,還要付出上述的機會成本,甜心,我也愛你,同樣願意為你付出,努力賺錢,不去泡妞,讓你做世上最幸福的女人。
將愛情說成交易,的確好難聽,茶怪想,其實錢是一張紙,人如何賺、如何用,才是值得思考的地方,經濟學的研究對象並非錢,而是人。例如,一個人為了家人的生活水平,放棄安逸,選擇每日努力地工作,去賺錢,賺了錢,他又選擇了給家人用,而不是給了二奶或別人。這整個過程的背後在於情,錢只是一個中介媒體。 而只有在產權清晰劃分和人有自由選擇權時,為別人付出才有意義。
茶怪會問: 「你有能力請全世界幾十億人吃一個免費午餐嗎? 」不能,那麼,你的免費午餐的對象必有取捨,選一必失一,那就是成本。茶怪沒有看過佛利民本人就他的名言的註解,純粹從日常生活去設想。所謂免費午餐,吃的人不用付錢,不代表它是免費。請客的人之所以請你吃而不請別人吃,對他來說就是成本,不可能是免費的,付出成本的原因不一定是為回報的,可以是為情。
1. 那我真的是全世界最幸福的人了! 其他女士們都愛財、講條件,但你是不一樣的,每人有自由選擇的權利,你置機會成本於不顧,選擇了我,我實在太幸福了。
2. 現在沒有奴隸制,我也不會當你是奴隸看待。
3. 兩人相處要互相幫忙,如果你將來和我一同生活,我也不要你做所有家務,我要分擔一部分家務。
4. 你愛我要付出那麼多心思和時間,還要付出上述的機會成本,甜心,我也愛你,同樣願意為你付出,努力賺錢,不去泡妞,讓你做世上最幸福的女人。
將愛情說成交易,的確好難聽,茶怪想,其實錢是一張紙,人如何賺、如何用,才是值得思考的地方,經濟學的研究對象並非錢,而是人。例如,一個人為了家人的生活水平,放棄安逸,選擇每日努力地工作,去賺錢,賺了錢,他又選擇了給家人用,而不是給了二奶或別人。這整個過程的背後在於情,錢只是一個中介媒體。 而只有在產權清晰劃分和人有自由選擇權時,為別人付出才有意義。
茶怪會問: 「你有能力請全世界幾十億人吃一個免費午餐嗎? 」不能,那麼,你的免費午餐的對象必有取捨,選一必失一,那就是成本。茶怪沒有看過佛利民本人就他的名言的註解,純粹從日常生活去設想。所謂免費午餐,吃的人不用付錢,不代表它是免費。請客的人之所以請你吃而不請別人吃,對他來說就是成本,不可能是免費的,付出成本的原因不一定是為回報的,可以是為情。
蜘蛛俠第三集延續超級英雄神話,其中有句對白是一個在街上欣賞蜘蛛俠電視畫面的路人,說: 「one man can make a big difference」,呼應了第一集的「With great power comes great responsibility」。蜘蛛俠電影希望帶出每個人應「義不容辭」地承擔社會的責任。 但試想想,如果現實世界真的有個超級英雄,生活會過得好一點嗎?
所謂With great power comes great responsibility,應該加埋for a big bill。要錢,蜘蛛俠如果想做好事,他必定要收錢,明碼實價。你說對不對。
所謂With great power comes great responsibility,應該加埋for a big bill。要錢,蜘蛛俠如果想做好事,他必定要收錢,明碼實價。你說對不對。
一般認識奧國學派在於其「無為而治」的施政理念,將之等同laissez-faire自由市場主導經濟政策,曾蔭權的書架上,據說也有奧派學者海耶克的著作。但奧派在學術界一向被視為非主流派系,普遍大學的經濟學課程隻字不提奧派。有人甚至將奧派與UFO人外來客之說以及據說Tom Cruise崇拜的科學教派混為一談,歸類為邪門異端。海耶克曾跑到經濟學馳名的芝加哥大學覓教職,竟被其經濟學系拒諸門外,於是他只得在芝大教社會學。奧派之所以被定為「邪派」,筒中「離經叛義」之處,在於奧派否定經濟學主流的根本假設 -- 你知道自己想要甚麼。
你有沒有試過很想吃一樣東西,例如乾炒牛河,到茶餐廳點菜時卻叫了叉燒飯? 心明明想要一樣東西,心猿意馬,但最後又選擇了別的。你大概對自己的工作不太滿意,後悔入錯行,入錯公司,想原先若選擇了別的就好了。甚至有個很流行的說法: 「你的老公/老婆,99%不是你最愛的人。」人總覺得,為什麼明明是自己的選擇,總不是自己想要的? 是選擇本身出了問題嗎?
至於奧派怎樣將這個觀念引伸至「無為而治」? 就是即使科技再先進,沒有一部超級電腦可以計算出甚麼你最想要,從而平衡所有人的要求。問也沒用,問卷調查是錯的,包括消費者信心調查、商業信心調查、產品滿意度調查都不可能反映事實。最佳的經濟政策是靠市場運作,讓市場說明人們想要甚麼。
你有沒有試過很想吃一樣東西,例如乾炒牛河,到茶餐廳點菜時卻叫了叉燒飯? 心明明想要一樣東西,心猿意馬,但最後又選擇了別的。你大概對自己的工作不太滿意,後悔入錯行,入錯公司,想原先若選擇了別的就好了。甚至有個很流行的說法: 「你的老公/老婆,99%不是你最愛的人。」人總覺得,為什麼明明是自己的選擇,總不是自己想要的? 是選擇本身出了問題嗎?
至於奧派怎樣將這個觀念引伸至「無為而治」? 就是即使科技再先進,沒有一部超級電腦可以計算出甚麼你最想要,從而平衡所有人的要求。問也沒用,問卷調查是錯的,包括消費者信心調查、商業信心調查、產品滿意度調查都不可能反映事實。最佳的經濟政策是靠市場運作,讓市場說明人們想要甚麼。
五一黃金周又開始,相信繼續有很多內地旅客來港受騙,旅遊業界推出的保護旅客權益的措施,如延長退貨期和店舖黑名單,相信效力有限,要有效打擊「劏客」行為,茶怪想,第一是執法,海關應做他們的本分,掃蕩冒牌貨,嚴徵以假亂真的欺詐惡行,犯法固然要拉,至於大部分的「劏客」行為是「合法」的 -- 以超高賣真貨,這又怎麼禁?
茶怪的疑問,是法例上有所謂合法和非法的回佣,究竟是怎樣介定的? 很多行業嚴禁回佣,例如股票分析員,他們推介某股份後,不准向發行該股的公司收取任何利益,地產經紀、建築工程招標也一樣,如有收受回佣者,屬「枱底交易」,廉政公署有咖啡供候,為什麼旅行社又可以有回佣? 回佣的合法性為何在不同的行業有雙重標準?
茶怪的疑問,是法例上有所謂合法和非法的回佣,究竟是怎樣介定的? 很多行業嚴禁回佣,例如股票分析員,他們推介某股份後,不准向發行該股的公司收取任何利益,地產經紀、建築工程招標也一樣,如有收受回佣者,屬「枱底交易」,廉政公署有咖啡供候,為什麼旅行社又可以有回佣? 回佣的合法性為何在不同的行業有雙重標準?
民建聯計劃將「港式茶餐廳文化」申請列入「人類非物質文化遺產」,令茶怪「O咀」。想不到每日必到的地方,其文化將可能成為「遺產」! 「國家地理雜誌」會否用港式茶餐廳為封面,呼籲世界保護這種頻臨絕種的文化? 以後每次到樓下發記食早餐A配「茶走」,豈不是身處周圍都係恐龍化石的博物館?
茶餐廳不是頻臨絕種,而係行落街就有。又不是遺產,因為持有人老闆娘未死。既然不是甚麼熊貓珍禽,哪何須加以保護? 茶怪想,茶餐廳文化反而是最有生命力的文化。
茶餐廳不是頻臨絕種,而係行落街就有。又不是遺產,因為持有人老闆娘未死。既然不是甚麼熊貓珍禽,哪何須加以保護? 茶怪想,茶餐廳文化反而是最有生命力的文化。
多謝 leo 在前文的留言,問茶怪對「通往奴役之路」(The Road to Serfdom) 一書的看法。
「通往奴役之路」就是以追求自由為旨的書,在海耶克筆下,資本主義由很多人抗拒的「市儈」「俗套」學問,變成追求自由的哲學。於1944年出版,此書的針對英國讀者,警告英人社會主義最終走向獨裁,步德國和意大利的後塵。戰後,英國沒有採納海耶克的意見,擴大政府規模以主導經濟發展。較為人熟識的凱恩斯學派是奧國學派的宿敵,兩者差不多同時興起,凱恩斯學派提倡政府帶頭攪活經濟,成為當時經濟學的主流,派頭凱恩斯名言: 「In the long run, we are all dead.」激到奧國學派紮紮跳,兩派之爭,茶怪覺得奧國學派蝕底在於其起源地為非英語世界。 後來的歷史演變卻傾向奧國學派的一方,海耶克在1974年獲得諾貝爾經濟學獎。1970年代全球經濟衰退,英國國企霸佔市場,美國徵重稅,英美在80年代進行經濟改革,朝自由市場方向,將國企私有化和減稅,經濟才復甦。
「通往奴役之路」是海耶克最暢銷的書,其中講,基於平等的法律,人的利益純粹由市場決定,人的制遇固然有得有失,也有幸有不幸,但由市場去決定總好過由別人決定,誰是「別人」? 就是社會主義的政府,其根據所謂道德價值去決定資源的分配,但道德價值是主觀的取捨,同時各種價值亦互相排斥,即使政治領導是民選的,他也不可能滿足所有道德價值的要求,不由市場話事,就甚麼都關政府事,令政府有過大權力,最後,權力使人腐化,希特勒就是這樣誕生。
今日,很少人質疑自由市場的好處 (博友量子例外,但這是好的。),但海耶克所謂的「計劃經濟」仍然有「市場」,以香港為例,市民有甚麼不如意的事都歸咎政府,助長風氣的,又是政治領袖自己,他們將經濟發展的功勞都歸功政府,這樣,有起事上來,市民不找政府找誰? 事實上,人民是信任他們支持的領袖的,而領袖就自己也一定充滿信心,為自己仕途也好,為造福人民也好,總希望憑自己的信念以振興經濟,茶怪認為,他們應先參考這本書。
「通往奴役之路」就是以追求自由為旨的書,在海耶克筆下,資本主義由很多人抗拒的「市儈」「俗套」學問,變成追求自由的哲學。於1944年出版,此書的針對英國讀者,警告英人社會主義最終走向獨裁,步德國和意大利的後塵。戰後,英國沒有採納海耶克的意見,擴大政府規模以主導經濟發展。較為人熟識的凱恩斯學派是奧國學派的宿敵,兩者差不多同時興起,凱恩斯學派提倡政府帶頭攪活經濟,成為當時經濟學的主流,派頭凱恩斯名言: 「In the long run, we are all dead.」激到奧國學派紮紮跳,兩派之爭,茶怪覺得奧國學派蝕底在於其起源地為非英語世界。 後來的歷史演變卻傾向奧國學派的一方,海耶克在1974年獲得諾貝爾經濟學獎。1970年代全球經濟衰退,英國國企霸佔市場,美國徵重稅,英美在80年代進行經濟改革,朝自由市場方向,將國企私有化和減稅,經濟才復甦。
「通往奴役之路」是海耶克最暢銷的書,其中講,基於平等的法律,人的利益純粹由市場決定,人的制遇固然有得有失,也有幸有不幸,但由市場去決定總好過由別人決定,誰是「別人」? 就是社會主義的政府,其根據所謂道德價值去決定資源的分配,但道德價值是主觀的取捨,同時各種價值亦互相排斥,即使政治領導是民選的,他也不可能滿足所有道德價值的要求,不由市場話事,就甚麼都關政府事,令政府有過大權力,最後,權力使人腐化,希特勒就是這樣誕生。
今日,很少人質疑自由市場的好處 (博友量子例外,但這是好的。),但海耶克所謂的「計劃經濟」仍然有「市場」,以香港為例,市民有甚麼不如意的事都歸咎政府,助長風氣的,又是政治領袖自己,他們將經濟發展的功勞都歸功政府,這樣,有起事上來,市民不找政府找誰? 事實上,人民是信任他們支持的領袖的,而領袖就自己也一定充滿信心,為自己仕途也好,為造福人民也好,總希望憑自己的信念以振興經濟,茶怪認為,他們應先參考這本書。
十幾年來首次回鄉探親,滄海桑田。少時數度回鄉,每次出門阿爸都說:「去找阿添,佢大你幾歲,你應叫佢...佢係你...阿叔。」就這樣,茶怪與添叔相識多年,阿爺個兄弟個仔就是他,這個家族關係flow chart,茶怪最近才敲得清楚。
阿爸口中的老家沒有一個是壞人,但對於年少的茶怪可不是。小茶怪覺得鄉下人都很貪心,總是要求你送甚麼,從舊衣服到彩色電視機,有次阿爸買了一雙新波鞋給一位小朋友,小茶怪氣壞了,他們那麼貪心,老是要人家的東西,為何還送波鞋給他們 ! 添叔帶小茶怪到處玩,小茶怪都不太在乎,反正回鄉只是阿爸吩咐的例行公事。上次臨走,添叔問茶怪可否把隨身的walkman留給他,茶怪斷言拒絕,心想,是我的為什麼要給你!
臨別時茶怪感到不好意思麻煩了添叔一個週末,邀請他到香港旅遊,說冒必盡地主之誼,好好安排,誰不知他對這邊的購物商店和主題公園不為所動,答: 「生意很忙,走不開。」還道: 「再回來吧,我們都是一家人。」
阿爸口中的老家沒有一個是壞人,但對於年少的茶怪可不是。小茶怪覺得鄉下人都很貪心,總是要求你送甚麼,從舊衣服到彩色電視機,有次阿爸買了一雙新波鞋給一位小朋友,小茶怪氣壞了,他們那麼貪心,老是要人家的東西,為何還送波鞋給他們 ! 添叔帶小茶怪到處玩,小茶怪都不太在乎,反正回鄉只是阿爸吩咐的例行公事。上次臨走,添叔問茶怪可否把隨身的walkman留給他,茶怪斷言拒絕,心想,是我的為什麼要給你!
臨別時茶怪感到不好意思麻煩了添叔一個週末,邀請他到香港旅遊,說冒必盡地主之誼,好好安排,誰不知他對這邊的購物商店和主題公園不為所動,答: 「生意很忙,走不開。」還道: 「再回來吧,我們都是一家人。」
Kurt Vonnegut
"The year was 2081, and everybody was finally equal..." This science fiction dated 1961 tells something about equality. The author Kurt Vonnegut died last week.
M-shaped society: Inequality?
Living in a city like Hong Kong, i have endless reasons for getting paranoid. At home, i get brown tap water. My share of frozen oil fish still sits in the fridge since news reports said the fish could cause health problem. What more fearful takes place at work -- the fear of losing my job. Recent job statistics from the government seems to tell a spine-chilling story about my future -- "Get rich, or you have to be poor. There is no middle ground!"
In the so-called M-shaped society, the distribution of income has polarized. The number of people who earn monthly income of less than HK$6,000 increased by 17% during the decade from 1996 to 2006. Payrolls for more than HK$10,000 rose 21%. However, the group of people who earn between HK$6,000 and HK$10,000 contracted by 8%. Academics pulled out the jargon called Gini Coefficient and said that inequality in Hong Kong is now scoring high relative to other comparable cities in the world. The situation is getting worse year after year, they said. Social groups warned that the middle class is disappearing and the society is going out of balance. Some people must be taking advantages over others, they claimed.
Worse, the unemployment rate remains buoyant, above 4%, compared with 1-3% during the decade from 1986 to 1995. Even top financial official Henry Tang threw cold water on hopes that the job market could recover, saying the jobless rate won't come down to the heyday level until we die. Is the city losing jobs? Many people say yes. They pointed to cheap labors across the border for taking away low-paying jobs. The others blamed former chief Tung Chee-hwa for leading the economic development to nowhere.
Even well educated people cannot escape from the misery, it seems. The job market is getting increasingly competitive when university graduates are accepting salaries low enough to make their elder alumni laugh. An average high school graduate is doing much worse than that 30 years ago. Some people said it was a rat race for academic qualifications in which everyone is struggling but no one gains at all.
Are we coming to the end of the world? No. Far from it.
From this paragraph onward, i am going to cheer you up. i am going to tell you the truth behind the numbers. The M shape, jobless rate and even fresh graduate income are irrelevant as an indicator of inequality and job opportunities. None of them means anything miserable. Instead, they are the outcomes of natural progress of our society.
i am not going to bore you with number crunching and twisting. i just want to point out a simple fact -- people follow different paths along their lifetime.
Randomly take two fresh graduates from university. They would likely start with monthly income more or less the same, say HK$9,000. Ten years later, their income could be anywhere between HK$20,000 to HK$50,000. Another ten years later, one of them might possible become a successful businessman while the other might possibly have problem to earn a living. Further ten years later, the successful businessman could unfortunately go broke and the other catch a second wind to become a billionaire.
That's natural. In a marathon, ten athletes who start at the same line could end up miles apart. How does that relate to the M-shape situation?
A wave of new birth kicked in during the decade following the end of World War II. See the longest pair of bars, for men and women, in the following chart and you know the size of the so-called baby-boomers. Baby-boomers, men and women aged between 40 and 50, amounted to roughly 1.3 million in 2006.

In 1996, the baby-boomers of course were 10 years younger than now. See the following chart.

The widening of income distribution over the past decades was resulted from the fact that the baby-boomers were explored their fortune. Twenty years ago, they just started their career and received similar incomes. As time went by, some did better than the others. In their forties, in 2006, the baby-boomers made various levels of achievements. They are not necessarily going to extremes. There could be a lot of middle-range performers. Merely the dispersed spread of personal performance is enough to make the statistics take its present shape.
Compare two hypothetical societies -- one comprising mostly 20-year-old people and the other comprising mostly 40-year-old. Can we say that the younger society is more equal than the older one simply because the younger society has more evenly distributed income? No, we can't.
To make Hong Kong a better place to live, we must distinguish "inequality of outcomes" from "inequality of opportunities". The Gini Coefficient and any other measurement of income distribution measure the degree of "inequality of outcomes" only. We are barking the wrong tree if we focus on "inequality of outcomes". A communistic society has absolute equality of outcomes. Everyone earns the same level of income. Is it a utopia? Some people might say: "Yes, those poor people contribute to the society just as much as the rich. Let them share the fruit of the economic development." However, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. History tells us that, if we focus on equality of outcome, we won't help the poor at all. Instead, everyone would end up being in poverty.
"Inequality of opportunities" is more important than "inequality of outcomes". That is to ensure that everyone plays in level field.
i will try to assess the inequality of opportunities in Hong Kong in future entries. Before that, we would take a few more steps to clarify the general perceptions and confusions. Next time, i will continue to show why worries about the buoyant unemployment rate and the struggle of rat race are exaggerated.
Copyright Quam
In the so-called M-shaped society, the distribution of income has polarized. The number of people who earn monthly income of less than HK$6,000 increased by 17% during the decade from 1996 to 2006. Payrolls for more than HK$10,000 rose 21%. However, the group of people who earn between HK$6,000 and HK$10,000 contracted by 8%. Academics pulled out the jargon called Gini Coefficient and said that inequality in Hong Kong is now scoring high relative to other comparable cities in the world. The situation is getting worse year after year, they said. Social groups warned that the middle class is disappearing and the society is going out of balance. Some people must be taking advantages over others, they claimed.
Worse, the unemployment rate remains buoyant, above 4%, compared with 1-3% during the decade from 1986 to 1995. Even top financial official Henry Tang threw cold water on hopes that the job market could recover, saying the jobless rate won't come down to the heyday level until we die. Is the city losing jobs? Many people say yes. They pointed to cheap labors across the border for taking away low-paying jobs. The others blamed former chief Tung Chee-hwa for leading the economic development to nowhere.
Even well educated people cannot escape from the misery, it seems. The job market is getting increasingly competitive when university graduates are accepting salaries low enough to make their elder alumni laugh. An average high school graduate is doing much worse than that 30 years ago. Some people said it was a rat race for academic qualifications in which everyone is struggling but no one gains at all.
Are we coming to the end of the world? No. Far from it.
From this paragraph onward, i am going to cheer you up. i am going to tell you the truth behind the numbers. The M shape, jobless rate and even fresh graduate income are irrelevant as an indicator of inequality and job opportunities. None of them means anything miserable. Instead, they are the outcomes of natural progress of our society.
i am not going to bore you with number crunching and twisting. i just want to point out a simple fact -- people follow different paths along their lifetime.
Randomly take two fresh graduates from university. They would likely start with monthly income more or less the same, say HK$9,000. Ten years later, their income could be anywhere between HK$20,000 to HK$50,000. Another ten years later, one of them might possible become a successful businessman while the other might possibly have problem to earn a living. Further ten years later, the successful businessman could unfortunately go broke and the other catch a second wind to become a billionaire.
That's natural. In a marathon, ten athletes who start at the same line could end up miles apart. How does that relate to the M-shape situation?
A wave of new birth kicked in during the decade following the end of World War II. See the longest pair of bars, for men and women, in the following chart and you know the size of the so-called baby-boomers. Baby-boomers, men and women aged between 40 and 50, amounted to roughly 1.3 million in 2006.

In 1996, the baby-boomers of course were 10 years younger than now. See the following chart.

The widening of income distribution over the past decades was resulted from the fact that the baby-boomers were explored their fortune. Twenty years ago, they just started their career and received similar incomes. As time went by, some did better than the others. In their forties, in 2006, the baby-boomers made various levels of achievements. They are not necessarily going to extremes. There could be a lot of middle-range performers. Merely the dispersed spread of personal performance is enough to make the statistics take its present shape.
Compare two hypothetical societies -- one comprising mostly 20-year-old people and the other comprising mostly 40-year-old. Can we say that the younger society is more equal than the older one simply because the younger society has more evenly distributed income? No, we can't.
To make Hong Kong a better place to live, we must distinguish "inequality of outcomes" from "inequality of opportunities". The Gini Coefficient and any other measurement of income distribution measure the degree of "inequality of outcomes" only. We are barking the wrong tree if we focus on "inequality of outcomes". A communistic society has absolute equality of outcomes. Everyone earns the same level of income. Is it a utopia? Some people might say: "Yes, those poor people contribute to the society just as much as the rich. Let them share the fruit of the economic development." However, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. History tells us that, if we focus on equality of outcome, we won't help the poor at all. Instead, everyone would end up being in poverty.
"Inequality of opportunities" is more important than "inequality of outcomes". That is to ensure that everyone plays in level field.
i will try to assess the inequality of opportunities in Hong Kong in future entries. Before that, we would take a few more steps to clarify the general perceptions and confusions. Next time, i will continue to show why worries about the buoyant unemployment rate and the struggle of rat race are exaggerated.
Copyright Quam
聖經記載巴別塔的故事,就是神看見人類團體地建造一個高比天的塔,神就令原本說同一種語言的人類,開始說不同的語言,令他們無法溝通,自此,人就不能團結。聽起來有點荒謬,神為什麼這樣自私,要離間人? 茶怪想真點,這個故事的意義,是種族之間的疏離,歸根咎底在於人的自以為是,人性的本質。
Who killed Silly Keung?
原裝無間道說忠義者最終得到解脫,背叛者永不超生,要加強覆蓋面,當中的主角要是卓越非凡的人,暗示卓越的人如是得到報應,更何況普通人。鬼佬版無間道不行這套。除了有班不知「江湖規矩」的中國幫,去顯出Jack Nicholson的老練之外,沒有其他的襯托角色,傻強亦不例外,原因是如茶怪在前文"Three years, three years and three years!"中指出,鬼佬版並不歌頌英雄,不著重正邪,沒有善惡因果。所有角色皆為棋子,為自己的私利各出奇謀。
原裝無間道說忠義者最終得到解脫,背叛者永不超生,要加強覆蓋面,當中的主角要是卓越非凡的人,暗示卓越的人如是得到報應,更何況普通人。鬼佬版無間道不行這套。除了有班不知「江湖規矩」的中國幫,去顯出Jack Nicholson的老練之外,沒有其他的襯托角色,傻強亦不例外,原因是如茶怪在前文"Three years, three years and three years!"中指出,鬼佬版並不歌頌英雄,不著重正邪,沒有善惡因果。所有角色皆為棋子,為自己的私利各出奇謀。
高成本 -- 時間金錢不在話下。低回報 -- 進修得來的知識技能未必可應用於工作上以提升工作效率。以金融業為例,工作效率主要來自兩方面,投資眼光和人脈關係,兩樣都差不多冇得學,要求的基本知識如數學和語言,都在中學有教,要培養好投資眼光和人脈關係,更重要的是實務經驗。高風險 -- 投資期長,很難預見幾年後,你所修讀的專科的人才需求,很多時間,市場有週期,當某個專業好景,人人爭相進修,誰不知完成課程後,該專業的週期已轉淡,市面上出現大批拿著該專業資格的求職者,工資待遇一定被壓低。低流通性 -- 股票買錯了可即日沽售,換碼,但專業資格不能隨時轉換。
專業資格只限於政府、非牟利機構或絕對排他性的專業,如會計師和律師,發揮利益功效,在市場經濟則不能,工資待遇取決於工作效率,好簡單,考慮聘請你的雇主本身都是打工仔,自己管理的部門也有表現目標。普遍人的認知是: 「一個中五畢業,另一個大學畢業,雇主一定請大學生吧。」對,這是因為有能力的人多入大學大專,這是常規教育選拔機制下所產生的標籤效應。但投身社會之後工餘時間進修,所得的資格已失去標籤效應。
讀書為讀書,搵錢為搵錢,讀書為搵錢是錯配。讀書、進修以提升個人修養,茶怪想,是最快樂和自然的結果,希望搵錢的,最有效的方法是從工作中學習、拼搏,以提升自己的效率。人們不是愚的,為何他們從切身利益考量,都寧願選擇持續進修這項「劣質投資」?可能是因為已沒有更好的投資選擇了,「從工作中學習、拼搏」,回報更低,為甚麼? 茶怪未有答案。
高成本 -- 時間金錢不在話下。低回報 -- 進修得來的知識技能未必可應用於工作上以提升工作效率。以金融業為例,工作效率主要來自兩方面,投資眼光和人脈關係,兩樣都差不多冇得學,要求的基本知識如數學和語言,都在中學有教,要培養好投資眼光和人脈關係,更重要的是實務經驗。高風險 -- 投資期長,很難預見幾年後,你所修讀的專科的人才需求,很多時間,市場有週期,當某個專業好景,人人爭相進修,誰不知完成課程後,該專業的週期已轉淡,市面上出現大批拿著該專業資格的求職者,工資待遇一定被壓低。低流通性 -- 股票買錯了可即日沽售,換碼,但專業資格不能隨時轉換。
專業資格只限於政府、非牟利機構或絕對排他性的專業,如會計師和律師,發揮利益功效,在市場經濟則不能,工資待遇取決於工作效率,好簡單,考慮聘請你的雇主本身都是打工仔,自己管理的部門也有表現目標。普遍人的認知是: 「一個中五畢業,另一個大學畢業,雇主一定請大學生吧。」對,這是因為有能力的人多入大學大專,這是常規教育選拔機制下所產生的標籤效應。但投身社會之後工餘時間進修,所得的資格已失去標籤效應。
讀書為讀書,搵錢為搵錢,讀書為搵錢是錯配。讀書、進修以提升個人修養,茶怪想,是最快樂和自然的結果,希望搵錢的,最有效的方法是從工作中學習、拼搏,以提升自己的效率。人們不是愚的,為何他們從切身利益考量,都寧願選擇持續進修這項「劣質投資」?可能是因為已沒有更好的投資選擇了,「從工作中學習、拼搏」,回報更低,為甚麼? 茶怪未有答案。
沙士紀念日 II
很多人說,董落的原因是中央改朝換代,但澳門特首豈不是,為什麼他又能通過新老板的面試? 董在位期間,經濟衰退,疫症處理不周,政府財政嚴重赤字,曾上,赤字消失,幸運地再沒有沙士,整體經濟復甦。至於貧富懸殊和政制改革問題,尚待處理。
經濟和財赤是週期性的,疫症亦不知何時會來,曾上的時間剛好順風順水,是好幸? 成功總帶幸運成份,最重要是個結果,結果影響民心。老董輕民心重效率,例如中藥港、數碼港和八萬五建屋計劃,老董以為任期五年又五年,不怕你罵、上街。誰不知中央冇面俾,民心關乎社會穩定,穩定第一,原來不攪好民心會遭「炒魷」。
很多人說,董落的原因是中央改朝換代,但澳門特首豈不是,為什麼他又能通過新老板的面試? 董在位期間,經濟衰退,疫症處理不周,政府財政嚴重赤字,曾上,赤字消失,幸運地再沒有沙士,整體經濟復甦。至於貧富懸殊和政制改革問題,尚待處理。
經濟和財赤是週期性的,疫症亦不知何時會來,曾上的時間剛好順風順水,是好幸? 成功總帶幸運成份,最重要是個結果,結果影響民心。老董輕民心重效率,例如中藥港、數碼港和八萬五建屋計劃,老董以為任期五年又五年,不怕你罵、上街。誰不知中央冇面俾,民心關乎社會穩定,穩定第一,原來不攪好民心會遭「炒魷」。
「你估恆指今年年底是多少?」茶怪和朋友談股經,遇上類似問題,第一個反應是: 「唔知。」一個掃興的答案,可能的話,盡量猜一猜,最簡單的推斷是 -- 2006年由15,000點升到20,000點,每年升5,000,2007年底應該到25,000,那就相當高興了。這個計法可能粗略了點,「唔夠科學」,拿二十年的數據分析,會否可靠些?
茶怪下載過去二十年的恆指數據,經過統計學混算,將複式增長結果轉化成線性模式,訂定一條趨勢線,據此,2007年底恆指應為22,725。不錯吧。但是,二十年的經歷是夠長嗎? 見過有投資專家作更「全面」的評估,找來四十多年的數據,由恆指於1964年基點100開始,以類似的統計學混算,得出更進取的答案 -- 26,000,嘩!
這個計算方法可能有問題,這四十年內,上半折比下半折好景得多。1964至1986年,是香港由工業轉型為商業的時代,將之計算在內,可能誇大了恆指今時今日的步伐。用1987至1996年的數據亦有問題,因當時是樓市股市飛騰的時代,恆指在1964至1996年走勢厲害,這段日子會否重臨? 還是保守一點,只限分析最近十年的趨勢,回歸後的環境可能有其獨特性,十年趨勢圖顯示,2007年底,恆指係17,431,吓!
茶怪下載過去二十年的恆指數據,經過統計學混算,將複式增長結果轉化成線性模式,訂定一條趨勢線,據此,2007年底恆指應為22,725。不錯吧。但是,二十年的經歷是夠長嗎? 見過有投資專家作更「全面」的評估,找來四十多年的數據,由恆指於1964年基點100開始,以類似的統計學混算,得出更進取的答案 -- 26,000,嘩!
這個計算方法可能有問題,這四十年內,上半折比下半折好景得多。1964至1986年,是香港由工業轉型為商業的時代,將之計算在內,可能誇大了恆指今時今日的步伐。用1987至1996年的數據亦有問題,因當時是樓市股市飛騰的時代,恆指在1964至1996年走勢厲害,這段日子會否重臨? 還是保守一點,只限分析最近十年的趨勢,回歸後的環境可能有其獨特性,十年趨勢圖顯示,2007年底,恆指係17,431,吓!
根據brian所說,公平競爭法是一場政治show,不是經濟和社會上的考慮,茶怪想後果會好嚴重,通過法案初期,是皆大歡喜的,政府打擊官商勾結「不遺餘力」,同時,與民主派在「非政治」領域合作關係良好; 民主派看來成功為市民爭取了些東西; 市民對大財團的氣也消減。但當法例實施之後未見成效,市民的打擊對象大超市,沒有受到任何影響,如常「欺負」供應商,貧富懸殊問題持續,這樣,民間繼續有不滿聲音,自然有更多人走出來「代表民意」,要求進一步立法,加大促進公平競爭法的力度,政府方面,想,以此作為政治籌碼幾好,成本低,風險低,形象好。如是者,出現惡性循環,不斷有新條文加入。
靈活變通就是生意上的創意,創意就是社會進步的條例,你諗到偈,我又有好橋,雖然不是每個新辦法都成功,但是有效的市場,就是不斷地進行trial and error,飛沙走石,每個人,企業都有機會成功。在有效的市場,企業不論大小,都要不斷求變,去競爭,去進步,這樣社會才有希望。
很多對大財團的指控,是源於他們的市場地位,以至享受極高的議價能力。茶怪想,一場球賽,永無咁高咁大,曼聯對韋斯咸你話公唔公平? 一隊榜首,一隊榜尾,曼聯有錢,請最好的球員、領隊,又如何,一樣有機會輸,對球迷來說,球賽公平與否,不是看牌面,而是看球證如何執法,有沒有偏幫,如果無,球賽就是公平,雙方一定全力以赴。足球比賽規例簡單,就是維持球賽公平的最佳方法。球例愈複雜,球證可以影響賽果的空間便愈大。
根據brian所說,公平競爭法是一場政治show,不是經濟和社會上的考慮,茶怪想後果會好嚴重,通過法案初期,是皆大歡喜的,政府打擊官商勾結「不遺餘力」,同時,與民主派在「非政治」領域合作關係良好; 民主派看來成功為市民爭取了些東西; 市民對大財團的氣也消減。但當法例實施之後未見成效,市民的打擊對象大超市,沒有受到任何影響,如常「欺負」供應商,貧富懸殊問題持續,這樣,民間繼續有不滿聲音,自然有更多人走出來「代表民意」,要求進一步立法,加大促進公平競爭法的力度,政府方面,想,以此作為政治籌碼幾好,成本低,風險低,形象好。如是者,出現惡性循環,不斷有新條文加入。
靈活變通就是生意上的創意,創意就是社會進步的條例,你諗到偈,我又有好橋,雖然不是每個新辦法都成功,但是有效的市場,就是不斷地進行trial and error,飛沙走石,每個人,企業都有機會成功。在有效的市場,企業不論大小,都要不斷求變,去競爭,去進步,這樣社會才有希望。
很多對大財團的指控,是源於他們的市場地位,以至享受極高的議價能力。茶怪想,一場球賽,永無咁高咁大,曼聯對韋斯咸你話公唔公平? 一隊榜首,一隊榜尾,曼聯有錢,請最好的球員、領隊,又如何,一樣有機會輸,對球迷來說,球賽公平與否,不是看牌面,而是看球證如何執法,有沒有偏幫,如果無,球賽就是公平,雙方一定全力以赴。足球比賽規例簡單,就是維持球賽公平的最佳方法。球例愈複雜,球證可以影響賽果的空間便愈大。
看新聞有時覺得好好笑,甚麼東西都算到政府頭上,尤其是星期日的電視新聞,環保團體指戶外廣告牌上燈泡太多,要政府立法規管,其他包括工人保障、家庭紛爭、愛護動物等問題,也要政府立法,或發上指引,茶怪想,政府怎麼辨? 它有能力對各行各業了解清楚? 究竟一個廣告牌應掛多少個燈泡,才算合理? 太多的法例只會幫倒忙,如何確實執行現有的法例更重要。廣告牌太亮,有否影響鄰居作息? 觸犯滋擾條例?
另一個好無聊的規例,是對付小巴超速問題,不知是誰想出來的主意,規定每輛小巴須安裝超速警告器,它全程顯示車速,每當超速,它就發出吵耳的bb聲響,它還印有小巴的車牌。作用是提醒乘客,叫他們如有不滿可投訴。結果,你都知,小巴繼續超速,超速警告器不停響,要乘客繼續坐過山車之餘,還要忍受噪音。小巴商又要承擔安裝警告器的成本,長期測驗和維修又是錢。 還有路段不同,車速限制不一,警告器沒有辦法因應不同路段的需要發揮「作用」。
其實要防止小巴超速方法好簡單 -- 抄牌,你一超速,就收「牛肉干」。執法不夠嚴謹,再立一千條例也沒用。
社會反對壟斷聲音此起彼落,要求政府訂立「公平競爭法」,思維方向和上述廣告牌的類似,就是有問題,就立法,茶怪對此有所保留,立法是否可以解決問題? 大財團有好多大狀律師幫手,與政府關係又好,取得waiver好易,繁文縟節只會加重中小企負擔。事實上,問題不在於現有的法例足夠與否,而是執行夠不夠徹底。以地產商為例,他們被指在賣地過程中達成協議,成功避免競爭。其實這類協議可能觸犯現有的競投法例,但事情不了了之。
另一個好無聊的規例,是對付小巴超速問題,不知是誰想出來的主意,規定每輛小巴須安裝超速警告器,它全程顯示車速,每當超速,它就發出吵耳的bb聲響,它還印有小巴的車牌。作用是提醒乘客,叫他們如有不滿可投訴。結果,你都知,小巴繼續超速,超速警告器不停響,要乘客繼續坐過山車之餘,還要忍受噪音。小巴商又要承擔安裝警告器的成本,長期測驗和維修又是錢。 還有路段不同,車速限制不一,警告器沒有辦法因應不同路段的需要發揮「作用」。
其實要防止小巴超速方法好簡單 -- 抄牌,你一超速,就收「牛肉干」。執法不夠嚴謹,再立一千條例也沒用。
社會反對壟斷聲音此起彼落,要求政府訂立「公平競爭法」,思維方向和上述廣告牌的類似,就是有問題,就立法,茶怪對此有所保留,立法是否可以解決問題? 大財團有好多大狀律師幫手,與政府關係又好,取得waiver好易,繁文縟節只會加重中小企負擔。事實上,問題不在於現有的法例足夠與否,而是執行夠不夠徹底。以地產商為例,他們被指在賣地過程中達成協議,成功避免競爭。其實這類協議可能觸犯現有的競投法例,但事情不了了之。
富士康(2038)是名副其實的cash cow,ROIC在過去三年超過三成,茶怪預計未來幾年有三成至四成幾。ROIC是Return on Invested Capital,即一間公司每年投入的資金的回報,資金包括買機、買廠,還包括茶怪最討厭的營運資金 -- 存貨、些數等 (因為討厭,所以更要計真),這裡說的回報有別於盈利,是稅後營運現金流 (NOPLAT),為什麼這個ROIC值得參考?
如果純粹計P/E,現價24.05,2006年預測市盈率達25倍,算高,但考慮到現金流強勁,受惠於外判代工需求,top line 營業額2007至09年,持績有17%至38%增長,現價估值合理。富士康的風險在於客戶與供應商高度集中,和受其大股東鴻海集團的控制,兩者業務和客戶群接近。近期富士康大客Motorola,手機滯銷,也對富士康構成壓力。
如果純粹計P/E,現價24.05,2006年預測市盈率達25倍,算高,但考慮到現金流強勁,受惠於外判代工需求,top line 營業額2007至09年,持績有17%至38%增長,現價估值合理。富士康的風險在於客戶與供應商高度集中,和受其大股東鴻海集團的控制,兩者業務和客戶群接近。近期富士康大客Motorola,手機滯銷,也對富士康構成壓力。
看國際新聞,凡有恐怖炸彈襲擊,事後總有某某激進組織公開承認責任,茶怪以前常常有疑問: 「承認責任,莫非幫忙當地警方查案,等於自投羅網? 」不,想深一層,他們就是要你知。
看國際新聞,凡有恐怖炸彈襲擊,事後總有某某激進組織公開承認責任,茶怪以前常常有疑問: 「承認責任,莫非幫忙當地警方查案,等於自投羅網? 」不,想深一層,他們就是要你知。
Blog is beautiful
Great economist and political philosopher Friedrich Hayek says: "What is essential to make [intellectual freedom] serve its function as the prime mover of intellectual progress is not that everybody may be able to think or write anything, but that any cause or idea may be argued by somebody."
Replace [intellectual freedom] with [blog] and you get that blog is beautiful and why it is so. t freak appreciates your comments at this blog.
Replace [intellectual freedom] with [blog] and you get that blog is beautiful and why it is so. t freak appreciates your comments at this blog.
不同電影,無論是數千萬元的大製作,還是幾百萬的小品,無論是好看的還是爛片,放在同一間戲院上映,為什麼票價都是一樣? 熱奶茶和凍奶茶的價格已是不一,其他的商品價格差異較大,為什麼正常的市場自由定價情況在戲院又不適用?
政府計劃津貼電影投資,茶怪對此有保留,香港不缺資金。要振興電影業較重要是鼓勵競爭,有競爭才有進步,香港電影業是否缺乏競爭? 從票價上看,是缺乏競爭,市場的力量還未充分發展。 (戲院與戲院之間有價格差異,是反映地點、戲院佈置等因素。但就同一間戲院而言,各套戲是劃一票價的,而且票價長期維持。)
你可能會問,小規模創作已夠慘了,如果要降價促銷,創作人的飯碗怎樣保? 而且,降價等於自貶身價,不是進一步降低叫座力嗎? 茶怪想,小規模創作的電影正是劃一收費的受害者,它們以同一價格,與大卡士大製作競爭,真吃虧。 觀眾不入場,其創作人的飯碗更不保。至於自貶身價的問題,如果沒有人入場,憑何論身價。
台北的書店是一大景點,而每間書店各有特色,正如台灣通c945096說,誠品敦南(24小時店)是買不到書,是一個hea的地方,有人抱著書在睡覺,那裡的藏書較雜亂。誠品信義就厲害了,大得像一個博物館一樣,但選書的買手不算好,可以是個人口味問題。台北101大廈的Page One,令茶怪刮目相看,香港的Page One多是圖片書,但台灣的那間有很多有意思的文字書,特別是英文書。金石堂是另一間好書店,它樓面不算大,但有很多店員的推介,去刺激你的閱讀興趣。
台北的書店是一大景點,而每間書店各有特色,正如台灣通c945096說,誠品敦南(24小時店)是買不到書,是一個hea的地方,有人抱著書在睡覺,那裡的藏書較雜亂。誠品信義就厲害了,大得像一個博物館一樣,但選書的買手不算好,可以是個人口味問題。台北101大廈的Page One,令茶怪刮目相看,香港的Page One多是圖片書,但台灣的那間有很多有意思的文字書,特別是英文書。金石堂是另一間好書店,它樓面不算大,但有很多店員的推介,去刺激你的閱讀興趣。
明天渣打馬拉松,如果有人不適,心臟病發或抽根,環保團體就會拿這些事件造文章,說香港的空氣質素每況愈下,導致愈來愈多跑手不適,甚至有生命危險。空氣質素的確差了,愈來愈多跑手不適也是事實,兩者是否有關? 茶怪前文指出,「香港女多男少,好男人難求。」是謬誤,「空氣質素差,跑手不適」是另一個。
空氣差是不會導致抽根的,愈來愈多跑手抽根,又是何解? 渣打馬拉松愈來愈受歡迎,參加人數愈來愈多,不適跑手的數量多,是正常現象,加上有很多新參加者,平時缺乏練習,只是跟朋友一齊玩,或感受比賽氣氛,有些勇字當頭,沒有注意自己身體的反應的,不適的機會更大,輕則抽根,嚴重的送命。
學者,包括經濟學者,近年喜歡玩correlation,很容易用數據發掘到一些有趣,甚至有「利用價值」的關係,但實際上是無關的,只不過是同時發生而已。你只需要畫個圖,比較空氣污染和渣打馬拉松參加人數歷年的變化,很容易得出一個「學術性」的結論 -- 空氣污染是港人愛跑步的原因。
空氣差是不會導致抽根的,愈來愈多跑手抽根,又是何解? 渣打馬拉松愈來愈受歡迎,參加人數愈來愈多,不適跑手的數量多,是正常現象,加上有很多新參加者,平時缺乏練習,只是跟朋友一齊玩,或感受比賽氣氛,有些勇字當頭,沒有注意自己身體的反應的,不適的機會更大,輕則抽根,嚴重的送命。
學者,包括經濟學者,近年喜歡玩correlation,很容易用數據發掘到一些有趣,甚至有「利用價值」的關係,但實際上是無關的,只不過是同時發生而已。你只需要畫個圖,比較空氣污染和渣打馬拉松參加人數歷年的變化,很容易得出一個「學術性」的結論 -- 空氣污染是港人愛跑步的原因。
Mr. Right is hard to find, why?
It is so hard for a women to find a good man to marry, say many people, including those hosting radio shows, dining in restaurants and sighing in Internet. Many single women, at their late 20's and early 30's, have gloomy hopes for marriage. There are a lot of reasons for being single, some personal and others social. One general argument is that there are fewer men than women living in Hong Kong, and that inevitably would leave some women behind, unmarried. The dismal logic follows that women now have to compete more desperately for men's love, or they will end up being single. No, i don't think so. The whole argument is wrong.
The so-called "men-and-women imbalance" exists but it is irrelevant.
2006 Population By-census offers statistics that shed new lights on this subject.
Women exceeded men by 320,000. That is a shocking number, meaning that for every 100 women, there are only 91 men -- leaving behind nine women. However, a closer look into the statistics shows those women "in excess" don't belong to the "battlefield". Those women are mostly widows and married women.
There are many widows due to the fact that women live longer than men. Probably most of these widows are elderly. Widows exceeded widowers by 240,000 in 2006. The gap is widening, as the general population gets older.
Married women exceeded married men by 34,000 last year. That's probably because many men are now working in the mainland as Hong Kong businesses, mainly manufacturing, have moved across the border.
Out of the 320,000-wide gap between men and women, 270,000 were widows and married women. Taking this number out of the balance, the number of men will rise to 97 for every 100 women -- the gap is much closer. (The gap still contains a lot of divorced and separated women in excess of corresponding men. Of course, divorced and separated women are available for marriage. But if we further narrow our scope to single people only, the balance will close to even. For every 100 single women, there were 99 single men.)
If there are almost as many young men as young women available for marriage, what causes the pain for finding Mr. Right?
Ironically, for men, find a good wife seems to be just as challenging. For every 100 men, there were 34 bachelors. For every 100 women, only 31 were never married. Finding a right spouse is hard for both men and women. And it seems harder today than yesterday, if we look at the raw data only.
In 1996, for every 100 women aged at 40-44, only nine were never married. In 2006, the number went up to 17. For men aged at the same range, that was 10 in 1996, and 18 last year. Is finding a good spouse really harder than before? Many people think so. But i doubt that.
The By-census report shows some interesting insights -- the sizes of households are getting smaller. In 1996, 33 people formed 10 households. Last year, only 30 people made 10 households. Apartment flats are now less crowded.
i believe that people have the choice not to get married. The choice is less likely available in the past.
Pressure from parents' is weakening over decades. i suspect that parents' pressure depend on the living environment. In the past, some twenty years ago, a typical household was crowded, containing six to seven people. Parents' pressure for the siblings to form their own families was strong.
Now, the household is less crowded. The siblings are either few or living separately without getting married. Parents' pressure is weaker. Practically, no matter what causes it, parent's pressure is weaker when parents and children live separately and seldom see each other.
Another pressure is financial. More and more women work. Last year, 480,000 women aged at 25-34 were either working or finding jobs, surpassing 430,000 men. The chances are girlfriends and wives are paying the dining bills. The financial pressure weakened as long as the income is evenly distributed between men and women. If men continue to lose jobs, the pressure to get married will build up again, but then the pressure will shift towards the men's side.
In the past, great pressures were there to urge you marry someone, good or bad. Now the pressure is softer. Finding a good man or woman has never been easy. The good thing today is -- if you can't find anybody good, you will not be forced to hurry and marry someone worse.
Don't worry. Women do not outnumber men. Women are not at a disadvantage. Men have their headache finding good women, too. Men should understand that they are not as rare as they might have thought.
Men and women get older. Median age for Hong Kong men was 41 and women 37. Don't waste time.
Copyright Quam
The so-called "men-and-women imbalance" exists but it is irrelevant.
2006 Population By-census offers statistics that shed new lights on this subject.
Women exceeded men by 320,000. That is a shocking number, meaning that for every 100 women, there are only 91 men -- leaving behind nine women. However, a closer look into the statistics shows those women "in excess" don't belong to the "battlefield". Those women are mostly widows and married women.
There are many widows due to the fact that women live longer than men. Probably most of these widows are elderly. Widows exceeded widowers by 240,000 in 2006. The gap is widening, as the general population gets older.
Married women exceeded married men by 34,000 last year. That's probably because many men are now working in the mainland as Hong Kong businesses, mainly manufacturing, have moved across the border.
Out of the 320,000-wide gap between men and women, 270,000 were widows and married women. Taking this number out of the balance, the number of men will rise to 97 for every 100 women -- the gap is much closer. (The gap still contains a lot of divorced and separated women in excess of corresponding men. Of course, divorced and separated women are available for marriage. But if we further narrow our scope to single people only, the balance will close to even. For every 100 single women, there were 99 single men.)
If there are almost as many young men as young women available for marriage, what causes the pain for finding Mr. Right?
Ironically, for men, find a good wife seems to be just as challenging. For every 100 men, there were 34 bachelors. For every 100 women, only 31 were never married. Finding a right spouse is hard for both men and women. And it seems harder today than yesterday, if we look at the raw data only.
In 1996, for every 100 women aged at 40-44, only nine were never married. In 2006, the number went up to 17. For men aged at the same range, that was 10 in 1996, and 18 last year. Is finding a good spouse really harder than before? Many people think so. But i doubt that.
The By-census report shows some interesting insights -- the sizes of households are getting smaller. In 1996, 33 people formed 10 households. Last year, only 30 people made 10 households. Apartment flats are now less crowded.
i believe that people have the choice not to get married. The choice is less likely available in the past.
Pressure from parents' is weakening over decades. i suspect that parents' pressure depend on the living environment. In the past, some twenty years ago, a typical household was crowded, containing six to seven people. Parents' pressure for the siblings to form their own families was strong.
Now, the household is less crowded. The siblings are either few or living separately without getting married. Parents' pressure is weaker. Practically, no matter what causes it, parent's pressure is weaker when parents and children live separately and seldom see each other.
Another pressure is financial. More and more women work. Last year, 480,000 women aged at 25-34 were either working or finding jobs, surpassing 430,000 men. The chances are girlfriends and wives are paying the dining bills. The financial pressure weakened as long as the income is evenly distributed between men and women. If men continue to lose jobs, the pressure to get married will build up again, but then the pressure will shift towards the men's side.
In the past, great pressures were there to urge you marry someone, good or bad. Now the pressure is softer. Finding a good man or woman has never been easy. The good thing today is -- if you can't find anybody good, you will not be forced to hurry and marry someone worse.
Don't worry. Women do not outnumber men. Women are not at a disadvantage. Men have their headache finding good women, too. Men should understand that they are not as rare as they might have thought.
Men and women get older. Median age for Hong Kong men was 41 and women 37. Don't waste time.
Copyright Quam
"Three years, three years and three years!"
無間道風雲(The Departed)令茶怪印象最深的,是導演拍中槍的情景,同原著版無間道有好大差別。無間道的梁朝偉是這樣中槍的: 「焦」一聲,子彈穿入前額,鑽了一個紅色的小孔,頭部稍為震一下,死了,眼睛凝望遠處,好像在沉思,好像想落淚,表情多無奈。畫面停留在他的死樣半分鐘,有哀傷而且大聲的配樂。在之後的續集,黎明和吳震宇的死狀,都是貫徹一樣。
鬼佬版的是這樣的: 「嘭」一聲,中槍者整個人向後翻,同時一泡血霧在他頭上發散,死了,鏡頭約略交代他滿面鮮血,攤屍地上,沒有close-up死樣,沒有配樂。茶怪想,「吓! 咁就死左。」,陪著觀眾兩個多小時出生入死的狄卡比奧,沒有半個臨別秋波。之後「嘭」「嘭」「嘭」,其他角色,包括麥迪文,死法都是一式一樣。
鬼佬版的是這樣的: 「嘭」一聲,中槍者整個人向後翻,同時一泡血霧在他頭上發散,死了,鏡頭約略交代他滿面鮮血,攤屍地上,沒有close-up死樣,沒有配樂。茶怪想,「吓! 咁就死左。」,陪著觀眾兩個多小時出生入死的狄卡比奧,沒有半個臨別秋波。之後「嘭」「嘭」「嘭」,其他角色,包括麥迪文,死法都是一式一樣。
老梁宣佈: 「這個會議又不准普羅市民參與,因應市民的要求,我無法待在這裡,我決定走出去,直接跟市民對話,聽取市民對政府的要求。」說罷,全場嘩然,老梁斯斯然地步出會場,主持不知如何是好,老曾一面通紅,爭著說甚麼「尊重制度」等東西,但沒人注意,所有與會者把目光放在老梁的身影,電視台攝影隊即追著老梁,繼續直播,老梁一步出會場,立即引起民眾的歡呼,老梁對群眾說: 「作為特首候選人,有必要公開辯論,和接受廣大市民的質詢,我現在邀請曾蔭權走出來,和我一樣面對群眾,進行正式的辯論。」
後記: 與友人閒聊,Brian說如果老梁這樣做只會「攪事」,沒有實際作用,例如爭取中央信任其為老曾以外的特首人選,但Brian認為老梁今次參選的策略左搖右擺,是敗筆。茶怪認為,老梁一開始表明他的參選目的是要顯示「小圈子選擇的荒謬性」,既然有了目標,應該貫徹始終。
老梁宣佈: 「這個會議又不准普羅市民參與,因應市民的要求,我無法待在這裡,我決定走出去,直接跟市民對話,聽取市民對政府的要求。」說罷,全場嘩然,老梁斯斯然地步出會場,主持不知如何是好,老曾一面通紅,爭著說甚麼「尊重制度」等東西,但沒人注意,所有與會者把目光放在老梁的身影,電視台攝影隊即追著老梁,繼續直播,老梁一步出會場,立即引起民眾的歡呼,老梁對群眾說: 「作為特首候選人,有必要公開辯論,和接受廣大市民的質詢,我現在邀請曾蔭權走出來,和我一樣面對群眾,進行正式的辯論。」
後記: 與友人閒聊,Brian說如果老梁這樣做只會「攪事」,沒有實際作用,例如爭取中央信任其為老曾以外的特首人選,但Brian認為老梁今次參選的策略左搖右擺,是敗筆。茶怪認為,老梁一開始表明他的參選目的是要顯示「小圈子選擇的荒謬性」,既然有了目標,應該貫徹始終。
時常說香港有世界上最自由的市場,奶茶怪想這會否是一個最悲哀的美譽? 我們再沒有進步的空間,倫敦自八十年代開放金融業給外資和將國企私有化,澳門99年回歸後開放賭業,今天兩個地方經濟更上一層樓,中國大陸經濟受惠於自七十年代末的市場開放,是更明顯的例子。回看香港,這一招用不著,因為我們市場已是最自由的了,自由貿易,外資自由投資,幾乎沒有國企,外商要來的,已來了,不來的,再沒有甚麼辦法誘它來。
從以上的邏輯,地產業是最有「前途」的,地產業是封閉的,地產商長期維持豐厚利潤,每次參與土地競投的都是那幾個本地地產商,如果各地產商互相競爭,競價到最後一口,地價理應只有足以補償風險的微利,而不至於地產商長期維持約二至三成的利潤。從表面看,競爭未至於十分激烈,未能達到官地以最高市場價出售的效果。根據搏奕論,即使是一個「互相殘殺」的遊戲,遊戲無止境的重複,參與者就會「點到即止」,這對各方有利。但究竟地產市場制度上有甚麼可以改善之處,去促進競爭? 茶怪沒有答案。
從以上的邏輯,地產業是最有「前途」的,地產業是封閉的,地產商長期維持豐厚利潤,每次參與土地競投的都是那幾個本地地產商,如果各地產商互相競爭,競價到最後一口,地價理應只有足以補償風險的微利,而不至於地產商長期維持約二至三成的利潤。從表面看,競爭未至於十分激烈,未能達到官地以最高市場價出售的效果。根據搏奕論,即使是一個「互相殘殺」的遊戲,遊戲無止境的重複,參與者就會「點到即止」,這對各方有利。但究竟地產市場制度上有甚麼可以改善之處,去促進競爭? 茶怪沒有答案。
The Year of Lazy Pig
Pig is lazy. It sleeps and eats all day all over the place. It is sloppy, dirty and ugly -- outright unproductive, except for the value of its flesh. i miss the Year of Dog as it is winding down.
Dog is lovely. It is hardworking, detective, loyal, helpful, friendly, yet entertaining. Dog takes the jobs of security guard, foreman, first-aider, custom officer and hunters, while in most cases, people keep dog as pet and have a lot of fun with it. However, the rotation of Chinese Zodiac calendar fairly allows each of the 12 designated animals to have its own turn.
Chinese follow the tradition to associate the New Year's fortune with the characteristic of the zodiac animal the year belongs to. From Tiger's courage and Horse's energy, to Monkey's cleverness and Roast's high spirit, the distinctive features of most zodiac animals cheer us up. Unfortunately, Pig seems to lack its appeal.
Now, it is this uninteresting animal that is knocking the door. What a Pig Year we are about to see!
Yet, laziness is good for its own sake. At least, it is safe from destruction.
The recent Years of Pig, 1971, 1983 and 1995, shared the same bluntness as the hog. The stock market in 1995 was consolidating after 1994's plunge and would have two years to spare before the 1997 market crash. The Chinese companies making their listing debut in Hong Kong have invited a mania for them in early 1990's until their valuations become too high to sustain themselves. The property sector, the pivot of the Hong Kong economy, also saw its upward trend halt in 1994 when the government tightened its regulations. Therefore, its precedent Dog, 1994, had already taken care of the hopes and distresses before the Pig arrived in 1995. Pig had nothing left to do but healing the wounds.
Let's turn the Zodiac wheel around and get back to 1983. The stock market had already plunged two years earlier in the midst of uncertainty about the sovereign of Hong Kong after 1997. The year of 1983 saw the stock market flat. A year later, the British and Chinese government came to an agreement about the handover, and another wave of bull market emerged.
Further, Pig's visit in 1971 saw the market heating up, but the boom did not kick off until the following year.
In a nutshell, Lazy Pig jumped over the whole decade of 1960's, an era of political unrest. It skipped the worldwide energy crises in mid-1970's. Lazy Pig can't recall how the 1987 markets crashed in the U.S. and Hong Kong. It was absent during the 1997-98 Asian Financial Crises as well. It might be sleeping that Sunday afternoon in July 2003 when half a million of people took the street, demanding democracy.
Lazy Pig hates surprise, positive or negative. Turbulence just can't fit the calm of Lazy Pig. At least, the recent history in Hong Kong confirms the tranquility in Pig Year.
The affection toward stability by Lazy Pig did something good to Hong Kong. In 1983, the dollar peg was established. Before that, the Hong Kong dollar had fluctuated freely and had worryingly depreciated. Although it has drawn criticism in recently year, for its lack of flexibility, the dollar peg has played a crucial role for the stability of the financial system and the confidence of investors ever since.
Besides, some "mysterious forces" surrounding Lazy Pig boosts enterperneurship. Jimmy Lai launched Apply Daily newspaper in 1995 and the media industry would never be the same. i remember that my editor told me to follow Apply Daily as the role model when i joined a well-established newspaper in 1996 -- one year following Apple Daily's birth.
The year that Li Ka-shing founded his property flagship Cheung Kong was Pig -- 1971. That year was proven to be critical for Cheung Kong's development in the 1970's. Cheung Kong floated its shares in the stock exchange just in time to catch the market boom in 1972. The market crashed in 1973. Had it missed the chance, SK Li would have to wait for another boom. Unfortunately, Lee Shaw Kee missed that chance, and he waited for almost ten years before he got his flagship Henderson Land listed.
Those "mysterious forces" also favored the personal career in 1995. Donald Tsang was promoted to become the Financial Secretary, which prepared him for taking the challenges against financial crises three years later -- he did "get the job done", as he would be happy to recall these days.
Although these moves in career and business development seemed to be a natural step forward, as Lazy Pig hates surprises, these moves proved to be important to Hong Kong's media and financial health.
Will 2007 be another peaceful Pig Year? This Zodiac analysis contrasts with the financial point of view that i stated in the previous articles. Will Lazy Pig get burnt and become a delicious barbecued food?
Should Zodiac calendar ever have any impact on the reality, Lazy Pig would place its blessing on the enterperneurship, as it did. That's important because we have long missed that the successful business stories as those of KS Li and Jimmy Lai. Critics say that it has become more and more difficult for Hong Kong people to climb up the social and capital ladder. Has the business environment changed in a way that it no longer favors enterperneurship? i would study this topic and share my views with you later.
Copyright Quam
Dog is lovely. It is hardworking, detective, loyal, helpful, friendly, yet entertaining. Dog takes the jobs of security guard, foreman, first-aider, custom officer and hunters, while in most cases, people keep dog as pet and have a lot of fun with it. However, the rotation of Chinese Zodiac calendar fairly allows each of the 12 designated animals to have its own turn.
Chinese follow the tradition to associate the New Year's fortune with the characteristic of the zodiac animal the year belongs to. From Tiger's courage and Horse's energy, to Monkey's cleverness and Roast's high spirit, the distinctive features of most zodiac animals cheer us up. Unfortunately, Pig seems to lack its appeal.
Now, it is this uninteresting animal that is knocking the door. What a Pig Year we are about to see!
Yet, laziness is good for its own sake. At least, it is safe from destruction.
The recent Years of Pig, 1971, 1983 and 1995, shared the same bluntness as the hog. The stock market in 1995 was consolidating after 1994's plunge and would have two years to spare before the 1997 market crash. The Chinese companies making their listing debut in Hong Kong have invited a mania for them in early 1990's until their valuations become too high to sustain themselves. The property sector, the pivot of the Hong Kong economy, also saw its upward trend halt in 1994 when the government tightened its regulations. Therefore, its precedent Dog, 1994, had already taken care of the hopes and distresses before the Pig arrived in 1995. Pig had nothing left to do but healing the wounds.
Let's turn the Zodiac wheel around and get back to 1983. The stock market had already plunged two years earlier in the midst of uncertainty about the sovereign of Hong Kong after 1997. The year of 1983 saw the stock market flat. A year later, the British and Chinese government came to an agreement about the handover, and another wave of bull market emerged.
Further, Pig's visit in 1971 saw the market heating up, but the boom did not kick off until the following year.
In a nutshell, Lazy Pig jumped over the whole decade of 1960's, an era of political unrest. It skipped the worldwide energy crises in mid-1970's. Lazy Pig can't recall how the 1987 markets crashed in the U.S. and Hong Kong. It was absent during the 1997-98 Asian Financial Crises as well. It might be sleeping that Sunday afternoon in July 2003 when half a million of people took the street, demanding democracy.
Lazy Pig hates surprise, positive or negative. Turbulence just can't fit the calm of Lazy Pig. At least, the recent history in Hong Kong confirms the tranquility in Pig Year.
The affection toward stability by Lazy Pig did something good to Hong Kong. In 1983, the dollar peg was established. Before that, the Hong Kong dollar had fluctuated freely and had worryingly depreciated. Although it has drawn criticism in recently year, for its lack of flexibility, the dollar peg has played a crucial role for the stability of the financial system and the confidence of investors ever since.
Besides, some "mysterious forces" surrounding Lazy Pig boosts enterperneurship. Jimmy Lai launched Apply Daily newspaper in 1995 and the media industry would never be the same. i remember that my editor told me to follow Apply Daily as the role model when i joined a well-established newspaper in 1996 -- one year following Apple Daily's birth.
The year that Li Ka-shing founded his property flagship Cheung Kong was Pig -- 1971. That year was proven to be critical for Cheung Kong's development in the 1970's. Cheung Kong floated its shares in the stock exchange just in time to catch the market boom in 1972. The market crashed in 1973. Had it missed the chance, SK Li would have to wait for another boom. Unfortunately, Lee Shaw Kee missed that chance, and he waited for almost ten years before he got his flagship Henderson Land listed.
Those "mysterious forces" also favored the personal career in 1995. Donald Tsang was promoted to become the Financial Secretary, which prepared him for taking the challenges against financial crises three years later -- he did "get the job done", as he would be happy to recall these days.
Although these moves in career and business development seemed to be a natural step forward, as Lazy Pig hates surprises, these moves proved to be important to Hong Kong's media and financial health.
Will 2007 be another peaceful Pig Year? This Zodiac analysis contrasts with the financial point of view that i stated in the previous articles. Will Lazy Pig get burnt and become a delicious barbecued food?
Should Zodiac calendar ever have any impact on the reality, Lazy Pig would place its blessing on the enterperneurship, as it did. That's important because we have long missed that the successful business stories as those of KS Li and Jimmy Lai. Critics say that it has become more and more difficult for Hong Kong people to climb up the social and capital ladder. Has the business environment changed in a way that it no longer favors enterperneurship? i would study this topic and share my views with you later.
Copyright Quam
國家奧運隊在歐洲比賽時打人,內地同胞和香港人反應大有差異,同胞支持國奧隊,在網上留言說甚麼國仇家恨、對方理虧在先,港人就說國奧隊沒有體育精神、未夠專業之類。奶茶怪不想說誰對誰錯,動武當然是不對,但不算甚麼「中國之恥」那麼嚴重,試問足球員打架在哪那個國家沒有? 世界杯決賽施丹都出鐵頭功。撇除道德判斷,奶茶怪從內地同胞與港人普遍的意見分歧,看到一個事實 --內地同胞是國奧隊的球迷,香港人多不是。
香港的球迷快絕種了。賭波要贏錢,要冷靜客觀地分析各球隊,即使你喜歡曼聯,但如果賠率太低,你亦可能買另一方,搏爆冷。這樣,睇波便是兩回事。與朋友閒聊間,知道他們有睇波的,奶茶怪多會問「你捧那隊?」,幾年前,對方大多清楚地、自豪地回答: 「曼聯」「阿仙奴」。現在,答案多是模稜兩可,多是回到說近期哪隊狀態好,久而久之,「你捧那隊?」說起來已感覺好out。
球會不捧,那國家隊、港隊一定要捧了吧? 「我捧巴西」香港人自小就習慣選擇。很多人不承認自己是中國人,甚至不承認自己是香港人,說「中國咁老套」「港人咁自私」。奶茶怪是中國人,是香港人,是中國人之中的香港人。這不是一個宣言,不是一個道德判斷,不能選擇,而是一個資料。就如「我係男人」「我係女人」一樣。捧港隊,捧國家隊亦別無他選,除非唔睇波。
香港的球迷快絕種了。賭波要贏錢,要冷靜客觀地分析各球隊,即使你喜歡曼聯,但如果賠率太低,你亦可能買另一方,搏爆冷。這樣,睇波便是兩回事。與朋友閒聊間,知道他們有睇波的,奶茶怪多會問「你捧那隊?」,幾年前,對方大多清楚地、自豪地回答: 「曼聯」「阿仙奴」。現在,答案多是模稜兩可,多是回到說近期哪隊狀態好,久而久之,「你捧那隊?」說起來已感覺好out。
球會不捧,那國家隊、港隊一定要捧了吧? 「我捧巴西」香港人自小就習慣選擇。很多人不承認自己是中國人,甚至不承認自己是香港人,說「中國咁老套」「港人咁自私」。奶茶怪是中國人,是香港人,是中國人之中的香港人。這不是一個宣言,不是一個道德判斷,不能選擇,而是一個資料。就如「我係男人」「我係女人」一樣。捧港隊,捧國家隊亦別無他選,除非唔睇波。
例如理髮店收$6護髮素費用,是暴利; 去唱K,果盤加Nuts幾十元,更不合理,但大家都清楚是這樣,在幫襯前已「預埋條數」,需求自然調節,所以理髮店和K場不會因此而賺到豐厚利潤。這樣,又回到上一篇的問題: 在這個自由市場下,地產商是甚麼賺取豐厚利潤?
例如理髮店收$6護髮素費用,是暴利; 去唱K,果盤加Nuts幾十元,更不合理,但大家都清楚是這樣,在幫襯前已「預埋條數」,需求自然調節,所以理髮店和K場不會因此而賺到豐厚利潤。這樣,又回到上一篇的問題: 在這個自由市場下,地產商是甚麼賺取豐厚利潤?
今日林行止專欄講:「香港地產發展商利潤之豐厚,在地價高漲的香港,是世界其他地區的地產商難望其項背的。」牽起了奶茶怪一直的疑問 -- 既然是那麼好景,香港又是一個自由市場,為什麼世界各地的地產商不爭相參與香港地產事業? 如果有充分競爭,本地地產商的豐厚利潤理應消失,而事實又不是這樣,究竟是甚麼阻止外國競爭者加入?
香港地產開埠以來由英國財團支配,70-80年代,本地財團掘起,奪去主導地位,到今日,行業結構早已歸邊,每次土地競投都是幾個大家熟識的「本地薑」舉手。大體上,香港的地產制度是自由的,土地拍賣,是公開競投、價高者得的,建築工程可以外判給承建商,而售樓渠道亦十分暢通,地產代理競爭激烈。如果說「地頭蟲」有無可替代的優勢,那優勢是甚麼呢? 反觀香港地產商在外地,如英國、中國上海,都很吃得開。看來香港地產業比外地和內地的更封閉,為什麼呢?
香港地產開埠以來由英國財團支配,70-80年代,本地財團掘起,奪去主導地位,到今日,行業結構早已歸邊,每次土地競投都是幾個大家熟識的「本地薑」舉手。大體上,香港的地產制度是自由的,土地拍賣,是公開競投、價高者得的,建築工程可以外判給承建商,而售樓渠道亦十分暢通,地產代理競爭激烈。如果說「地頭蟲」有無可替代的優勢,那優勢是甚麼呢? 反觀香港地產商在外地,如英國、中國上海,都很吃得開。看來香港地產業比外地和內地的更封閉,為什麼呢?
這個「搵錢至上」的觀念,今日被視為真理,其實在人類歷史上是新事物。 四十年前的中國,茶餐廳老闆肯定被視為社會共敵,在中國古代商人被視為次等。即使是資本主義西方,以往也是一樣。 十七世紀有位波士頓商人,在貨幣交易上賺取了六便士,被法院裁定他 謀取暴利,罰款二百英鎊。事後,波士頓牧師還在佈道會上說,低買高賣是不應該的,唯利是圖是貪慾罰。奶茶怪想,搏殺搵銀的茶餐廳老闆如果生不逢時,較今日香港的政客,更受誤解。
這個「搵錢至上」的觀念,今日被視為真理,其實在人類歷史上是新事物。 四十年前的中國,茶餐廳老闆肯定被視為社會共敵,在中國古代商人被視為次等。即使是資本主義西方,以往也是一樣。 十七世紀有位波士頓商人,在貨幣交易上賺取了六便士,被法院裁定他 謀取暴利,罰款二百英鎊。事後,波士頓牧師還在佈道會上說,低買高賣是不應該的,唯利是圖是貪慾罰。奶茶怪想,搏殺搵銀的茶餐廳老闆如果生不逢時,較今日香港的政客,更受誤解。
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